I think the gs reviewer dude gave it a 9.5 out of fear that an angry mob of sheep were going to chase him throughtown andburn him on a steak>:lol:Mad_Rhetoric
first of all, the mic would have to stay on through the entire match, because no one would have nearly enough time to push a button and say something, secondly, as has been stated, I can live without little kids yelling into the mic, and it's not like strategizing is needed in the game, and thirdly, they haven't said voice chat isn't in the game, they just haven't announced it :P, they've already stated that there are going to be more announcements involving online as time goes by.
in SC, you can hang from a ledge using your hands without consequence for an unlimited time. in MGS, you have a grip gauge that limits the time you can spend holding yourself up.
MGS has hit specific hit zone responses, so enemies react differently depending on where you shoot them. SC has yet to implement unique reactions based onwhere you shoot someone(in the arm or leg, for example), except for headshots, which are in both games.
so I wouldn't be putting SC on a pedestal of realism anytime soon, definetly not specifically over MGS.
...you can pull out so many specifics from either game saying why one is realistic and one isn't, but to do so would be tedious and stupid.
the fact is that SC is the most realistic stealth game on the market, and MGS isn't.
I think you're giving the average movie/book plot too much credit, it's much easier to find a book with a bad plot than one with a good one, the ratio of books to video games is enormous, so of course there's going to be more books that you've read with good stories than video games that you've played with the same attribute. As with both media, you simply have to know where to look.
[QUOTE="Vandalvideo"][QUOTE="too_much_eslim"][QUOTE="Vandalvideo"][QUOTE="too_much_eslim"]its original meaning and purpose was to belittle us.too_much_eslim
Actually it didn't gain a bad connotation until the 1800s. Its a branch off of the root word that it and noire came from, only in modern times did it become a euphemism. The root of the word is Necro which means social death. I can get really deep into this since I took a class on it. Also it is much longer than the 1800's. A quick look in any encyclopedia would tell you that the word didn't gain a prejorative connotation until the 1800s. Not to mention you're wrong. Noir and and the other N word both came from Nigrum, which is latin or something for black. In order to find the truth you have to look deeper and look for things in other places. An encyclopedia is not enough.
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