Onetouchable's forum posts
just to make it better...
I'd imagine that they'll be concentrating on online, but I'm sure that overall the game will benifit from the delay
yeah, if they spend this time making online better then I'm most certainly fine with it.
also, people need to stop acting like now there's nothing for the wii this holiday season beyond SMG. So what if none of the games appeal to you? what if shooters didn't appeal to me? There wouldn't be very many games for me for the upcoming months. :|
[QUOTE="Onetouchable"]Unless the person over the net tells you they are african american, how do you know? Becuz sum 1 rites like dis? Nice, generalizing For The Lose... :shock:how can something which (in my experience as well) is generally true, be grounds for banning, it's not that much worse than generalizing soccer mom's as the only people who buy wii's
...I was talking about black people liking the PS3, and I can clearly see mostly black people interested in PS3's at stores like Target. :|
[QUOTE="Nickman71"]Obviously I don't know this for a fact, but it's been my observation that African Americans prefer the PS3. At Target, there's ALWAYS a black person playing the PS3. Every time I've gone. Even on these forums, you can tell a lot of PS3 fans are black because they type in Ebonics.
My theory is that they are part of this "gansta" culture that values money and expensive things, so they buy the PS3 as a status symbol, and dislike the Wii because anything that can be seen as weak or minimalist is uncool.
should be permanently banned, clearly racist statements
how can something which (in my experience as well) is generally true, be grounds for banning, it's not that much worse than generalizing soccer mom's as the only people who buy wii's
I'm wondering, is that why at the launch of Halo 3, LL Cool J was there, playing against .. well.. other unimportant people? (hehe).
Skin color has nothing to do with what console you play. Sorry.
I'm guessing no one remembers the PS3 launch, MTV was there and they had a good number of prominent black people.
[QUOTE="FancyKetchup25"][QUOTE="Dreams-Visions"][QUOTE="Hadoken_Kid"][QUOTE="FancyKetchup25"]I hate when people use the term african americans.Dreams-Visions
OMFG so do i. I AM FREAKING BLACK I DO NOT KNOW A SINGLE AFRICAN AT ALL. hell i rather people call me negro then african. i am 100 percent f**king american and i hate labels like that.
Is it a label or a simple statement pointing to your obvious heritage? Someone in your bloodline was from Africa. I'm not a fan of the phrase because it's not specific allows for too many who are not the children of the black American experience to fall into the group...but in general, it is still part of who you are.
yeah, except most common evolution theories point to everyone coming from Africa, so it doesent really work.
Of course if you go all the way back...but there's an obvious difference.
why do they have to be american?
[QUOTE="Spite_Ninja"]Ew Sonic is gross...i hope he isnt better than snake :|too_much_eslimEveryone is better than snake except for jigglypuff.
you obviously haven't spent very much time actually playing the SSB games, it's nearly impossible to choose a "best" and "worst" character
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