Onoskelis' forum posts
Mass effect is an American 'RPG'
It is for the short attention spans that just want to go kill things and refuse to listen to any amount of story telling
Because of that it will never touch the likes of Lost Odyessey and Final Fantasy
Sorry,but Mass Effect is an Canadian RPG since it is being developed by Bioware.
Go back to playing linear JRPGs where the main characters all look like metrosexual women.
The truth = trolling?
Get over it, this is a positive Wii thread.
It's just COD3 with a new setting.
And why would I wanna play a game when I can sign up to fight in Iraq? Stupid casuals.
Yes, because all hardcore gamers sign up for a real life war instead of playing first person shooters.
I guess Iraq has infinite respawn points.
Super Mario Galaxy, The Legend Of Zelda: The Twilight Princess, Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: The Crystal Bearers, Guitar Hero III, Metroid Prime 3: Corruption
XBOX 360
Gears Of War, Halo 3, Grand Theft Auto IV, The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, Dead Rising, Rock Band, Guitar Hero III, Devil May Cry 4, BioShock
Final Fantasy XIII, Unreal Tournament 3, Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns Of The Patriots, Resistance: Fall Of Man, Ratchet And Clank Future: Tools Of Destruction, Half-Life 2, Final Fantasy Versus XIII, Rock Band, Guitar Hero III, Devil May Cry 4, Grand Theft Auto IV
As you can see, the PlayStation 3 has the most good games out of all the current games consoles.
subtract the multi platforms and minus out anything gamesfrom 2006 then add games to 360 and you get:
XBOX 360:Halo 3,BioShock,Mass Effect,Lost Odyssey, Too Human, F.E.A.R. Files,Left 4 Dead,Project Gotham Racing 4,Ace Combat 6,huxley,age of conan
PLAYSTATION 3: Haze,MGS4,Rachet and Clank, FF13, FF13, Versus 13,Killzone 2,heavenly sword,Lair,uncharted:drakes fortune,GT:HD
xbox 360:12
playstation 3: 9
PlayStation 3 still has no games ;)
The photos are from Italia.Cedmln
Preorder Halo 3 from the mafia!
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