[QUOTE="Ps3Solider"] [QUOTE="Onoskelis"]Oh great,another World War 2 shooter.Tnasty11lol. yea looks like the japanese devs love them some cel-shading WW2 action.it's a cel-shaded third-person strategy RPGWith Nazis
Of course the PS3 has all the major FPSs now. Everyone knows that future FPSs will have guns that take up 6gb on a disk each. :)
I know this might be really hard to understand but check this out...Just because a game flops....doesnt mean it isnt fun.....R-Dot-YungIf the game was fun,it wouldn't of flopped.Simple enough logic there.
Oh and we will be playing:Heavenly Sword:Uncharted:UT3:Haze:Warhawk:Ratchet & Clank Future: ToDFolklore:GT5 Prolugue====================================================================================================================================Beast_UnitOh yes let's list a few games and post giant pictures of them. SEVENLY SWORD Duuur huur huur.I also notice you didn't put Lair in the list :)
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