They charge so that not everyone does it, and only those that really want to do it can. For example take a server and of the top 10 guilds 8 are on the horde side, If it was free all the decent alliance players would switch to the horde side in an instant hoping that they can get into a better guild, once there friends see this they would probably also come over, bringing more and more players from one faction to another, untill one was left totally dominant, and the other with the odd 80 here and there, and the rest alts and new playersIm_on_a_boat
Ummm... LOL
They charge so that not everyone does it
Simple 3-6 month limit will do that, not cash.
only those that really want to do it can
No, all those who made a mistake when starting up the game want to do it, lots of people want to change their characters. Anyway, it isn't HARD to do, so 'really want to do it' doesn't really apply'
For example take a server and of the top 10 guilds 8 are on the horde side, If it was free all the decent alliance players would switch to the horde side in an instant hoping that they can get into a better guild, once there friends see this they would probably also come over, bringing more and more players from one faction to another, untill one was left totally dominant, and the other with the odd 80 here and there, and the rest alts and new players
Ironicly that is just what happened when they allowed faction transfers... And why are you talking about faction transfers? This is about racial ones. All the major PVP players and guilds have all gone Undead from what I can see... Many Alliance on servers is completely dead now because Blizzard cared more about the money then faction balance.
Instead of creating a BALANCE system where a someone couldn't transfer if their faction they choose to jsut make people pay for it? Sorry but that doesn't make sense and the reality is completely against you.
You point is COMPLETELY nile. Since your example is EXACTLY WHAT HAPPENED even though people had to pay $30 for it, many many allience went Undead and many servers became completely imbalanced... Are you just completely lost? Are you not keeping up with the facts?
So cute how people still think Blizzard is an honest business! Yes, making people pay 25/30 USD is because they care for you!
LOL. just... LOL
Seems like a good deal to me.. If your really in to the game and have a character you have played for years and wish to move to a faction side your RL friends are on.. Go for it.. Its not like this is mandatory.. And this is pretty common practice for MMO's in general.
Actually this type of thing is why the MMORPG genre is in a complete hole. Charging for stuff that should be free (yet limited... well name changes, server transfers, and faction changes shouldn't even exist on a genre that is based around community... MAYBE name changing if you are getting abused by other players and for other similar reasons). 'oh other mmorpgs do it so its okay for blizz' is an excuse, not a valid reason, if Blizzard was TRULY an industry leader (which it never was, since most of its games are just building on what was already established, e.g. WoW from EQ/UO/etc, WC/WC2 from Dune II) then they would give this kind of service that should be free, as a free aspect of the game.
for $25, you could by five old but very decent games, some of which took years to develop from Steam or D2D... And you'd rather spend that on literally a few electric signals (yes changing your character isn't hard to do, it is just sending a few electric signals to different areas and there you have it)? There is no massive amounts of development time for stuff like this, sure there is maintence to make sure Blizzard's milkage happens correctly, but your subscription already pays for that minor maintence and tiny setup cost.
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