The real problem is that MS was one of the companies that was part of giving customer data to the NSA. Having a camera that is never really off is creepy as hell, especially after all the fallout from the NSA scandal.
Yeah, no. Why should TV be a part of a gaming console? It doesn't even act as its own cable box. You have to hook the damn thing up to a cable box you already have. What kind of sense does THAT make? Also, you never did say what the PS4 can't do that the Xbone can do that has to deal with actual GAMES.
Doesn't do anything? Okay, you lost me, buddy. Watching TV on your TV should not be a feature to a game console. Right now the only things that the X-Box One can do that the PS4 can't do is have TV everywhere, and spy on you.
Brown shooters are the more appealing games? :/ Sony at least had more variety. And has pretty much all the indie support now after all that crap MS has been doing.
Not too worried. Someone will help out Atlus. Their IPs are too strong to be ignored. And don't worry guys, even if they are bought out, I guarantee that they will have full creative control over their games like they always have. It isn't like EA will buy them or anything like that.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Oh god. I was just wondering when good ol' Adam Orth was going to come back to the news. He, Phil Spencer, and Don Mattrick all did more damage than the DRM did. Serves them all right. All they continue to do is poke at the consumer base more and more making the X-Box One even LESS appealing. Screw MS.
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