Have you ever been in a situation, owned something, or watched/listened to something that you had clearly divided feelings about? One part of you loves what it is, or represents, or how it makes you feel, while the other part wants to rage against it, tear it to pieces, or run as far away from it as you can.
It's a feeling I've had before: When Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones came out, I was excited, and ran out to see it as quickly as I could. I sat through the movie with the xpectation that it would thrill and astound me all at once.
It ddn't work out like that. In fact, it managed to both thrill me (the action scenes with Obi-Wan; the battles; the special effects) and disgust me (watching the robotic interaction between Amadala and Anaikin made me wonder if snail mating rituals were more thrilling) at once. I've watched it several times since, and I just wonder what Lucas was thinking (other than $$$) when he cast the two most pivotal parts of that tragedy.
In much the same way, I'm equally torn over Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War- Soulstorm. I'm a serious fan of the RTS (duh... :lol: ) but even I have to admit: it's not the game it used to be.
DoW won multiple gaming awards (such as GotY and RTS of the year from several publications), and it deserved them. It's one of the best RTSs I've played in recent years, it has a rich background, and it has some of the best mechanics of any strategy game in recent memory. Its campaign was pretty good, too: a story of deception and betrayal, pitting the Space Marines against the other three palyable races (Chaos, Orkz, and Eldar) in a series of missions I've played many times to date.
Winter Assault... not so good. It had two parallel storylines, with 4 playable races in two campaigns, with 4 possible endings. It was also extremely difficult to reach even one ending, with mission designs concieved by Lucifer himself. The one added race (the Imperial Guard) was underpowered until late game... if you let them get that far, you were probably not paying attention and deserved to lose.
Dark Crusade has been (for me) the best entry to date. A huge non-linear campaign, two new races, better balance, tweaks to make it much more strategic... I played through with each race once, and again with my favorites (Orkz, SM, and Tau), and it's been one of my fall-back skirmish options all year long. The only problem I had was with the Necrons (the very definition of "overpowered"), but once I got the hang of them, I figured out how best to defeat them ("Know your enemy," right?).
When Soulstorm was announced, I was excited (more units! two new races!) and disappointed (no "DoW2?") but I knew I would enjoy it.
I enjoy it, all right... and I also want to track down Iron Lore and beat some sense into them. They've closed down, but left a poor legacy in their wake.
What Soulstorm gives you in sheer size (9 playable races, an enormous non-linear campaign) it takes away in sheer sloppyness (bugs, slowdowns, long load times). The Sisters of Battle ("nuns with guns") are fun to play with, but the Dark Eldar (WH40K's answer to drow) are almost worse than the Eldar.
IL introduced "air units." Basically all they did was take vehicles and moved their "footprints" up in the air. They get stuck on walls (I read one account where, instead of flying over a river, a squadron of Hell Talons moved along the bank to a bridge, and crossed there, before moving on). I've shot down Fighta-Bombas with flamethrowers, if you can believe it.
The Chaos forces are Alpha Legion in the instructions... but Iron Lore got lazy in a lot of spots.
Did I mention that the Tau base is a near-carbon-copy of the Death Star? :shock:
Who says EA has a monopoly on bad expansions? I can at least count my blessings that I get a lot more content than just the ability to give my commanders new clothes, or pets, or have them go on vacation.
It also leaves the fans in a dilemma: Do we beg and scream for patches for the most egregious errors (knowing it will pull the devs from working on Dawn of War 2) or do we suck it up, deal with the fact that we dropped our hard earned money on a 1/2 finished game, and just throw insults at Relic for letting Iron Lore tarnish a once-proud franchise?
All I know is, now I feel like watching Attack of the Clones again. Maybe watching the horrible chemistry between Natalie Portman and Hayden Christensen will put everything n perspective for me. :D
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