I figured I'd take a moment to be myself instead of Ork Tzu (or is it Sun Ork? :lol: ) and just relax for a brief spell.
First: Thanks to everyone (in no particular order: Bozanimal, raven, hokies, veni-vidi-vici, david, majorflyswat, Roma Victus, kingofkongs, and Rocker500) for your suggestions, comments,critiques and support. As promised, I've made changes to specific areas of the articles, and I feel they've definitely improved them. You guys (and gal!) are definitely the best.
Music: A friend of mine gave me a copy of "City of Evil" from Avenged Sevenfold a few weeks ago ("Not my kind of music," he told me). I had totally forgotten about them, even though they were on the radio almost continually with "Bat Country" and "The Beast and The Harlot." After a few listens through the whole CD, I can definitely say: it's an acquired taste... the rest of the disc is very different from the singles.
Nevertheless, I liked it enough to pick up their new, self-titled CD. Let's just say I won't recommend it to most people... some of it's good, but the black metal/New Orleans jazz fusion "A Little Piece of Heaven" is a little dark for me (no, I won't get into details... the mods have been a bit too frisky lately :?) and "Dear God" is a little too country for a metal group. (Thank you, Led Zeppelin, for opening that can of worms.)
I also snared a copy of "Operation: Mindcrime II" from Queensrychë. "Mindcrime" ranks in my all-time Top 25 albums: a very powerful, very emotional concept album from '88 about a young junkie who's recruited as an assassin by a secret organization to create terror. It tackles issues of corruption in government and religion, and love between radicals.
It's sequel, however, falls well short. It seems like "Nikki" has become tame, and his internal dialog with his lover from "Mindcrime" just jars against the narrative. It's alright... but not cIassic like it's predecessor.
Games: I've been playing a lot of RTSs. Even for me. Even so, I took time to reload "Fable" and try to play it. My first try was marred by subtitles disappearing due to outdated drivers; it works fine now, but it looks a bit too "kiddish" for me so far. Maybe as I get deeper into the game, it'll stop looking like a Zelda game...
I also found a copy of "Warhammer: Mark of Chaos" for a ridiculous $10(more on that in a bit). It's alright... but I prefer the base-building of Dawn of War. It also reminds me of "Shadow of the Horned Rat" for the PS1 in some of the wrong ways. Still, a $10 game doesn't come along every day, and I've been known to embrace games no one else really liked (Total Annihilation: Kingdoms, for example... it helped that it only cost $3 :D ).
Local: The only CompUSA in our area is closing down. While it's true that their customer service taught me to embrace despair, it was also only one of a few places to buy PC games. Now, I'm left with only BestBuy 20 miles away in Albany... and I really don't like driving in Albany.
Work: They're afraid of me at work. :lol: If there's an obscure and destructive exploit in their application... I find it by accident (although, to be honest, Ido kind of drive the knife in and twist it a few times to get the developers' attention... :lol: ). It's been hectic since mid-January, when several integration projects started coming in, but I like being the guy that the "odd" stuff comes to for testing.
It's also kept me occupied: since school let out I've been just letting myself relax and live slowly to regain some of my lost energy. That last 3 months was frantic; couple that with Christmas, New Year's and Epiphany (in my family, the Twelfth Day of Christmas is a pretty big deal... I think it's from my Polish heritage, just like Mikkelwash (I don't know how it's spelled, truthfully) comes from my wife's Slovakian heritage) and I felt like I was run over by all the reindeer.
Anyway: I should have the next chapter up by late Friday. By my estimate, I'm a little under ½ done with the series, so I think I'll be done in time for Soulstorm's release.
Until next time: stay warm (except those of you in Australia... you stay cool), be safe, and at the end, there'll be cake and grief counselling. :lol:
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