Ratchet and Clank is not far off from galaxy and Uncharted may turn out to be the best game this gen.
Mario Galaxy is going to go down to about 93/94% on Gamerankings when it's all said in done(in a couple weeks).
Mass Effect will end up with around 90%.
Ratchet and Clank is going to be about 90%.
Uncharted will be at around 92%.
R&C is a good game, but it's no where near the calibur of galaxy. That's like saying bejewled is not far off tetris.
Calibur as in how much it will sale? Obviously it isn't, mario is like most popular series in video gaming.
But as far as quality goes Ratchet and Clank is not far off.
Sims is the most popular series in video gaming. The quality of a first party Ninty game is what all other developers should weight their games against. I love jak and R&C but reality is, both are just run of the mill platformers. They cannot compare to galaxy.
Wtf? The Sims is not the most popular series in gaming. 90% of little kids don't even know about sims, but I bet 90% of them could point out Mario.
Sims is the most popular PC game, but Mario is definitely much more poular, esepcially when you're talking worldwide.
Wtf? Ratchet and Jak have been the best platforming series' post-mario64. Up Your Arsenal is the best platformer post Mario 64. They are't "run of the mill".
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