Naughty Dog >>> Bioware
Out_Kast3000's forum posts
So to make sure I got this straight. Its EA and M$'s fault because Sony developed a console thats virtually impossible to develop games for, but plays the hell out of Blu Ray movies....
"(the PS3) is not a game machine..."
- Ken Kutaragi, Regarding the machine's beefy hardware architecture:shock:
No, fail.
I love how people like to try and misquote/misconstrue Sony.
He's obviously talking about how powerful it is and how it can do so many things.
I seriously can't believe how hard some people fail here.
I've gave several reasonable smart examples and you guys are just marking it off as "paranoia"? That's stupid. Open your eyes and stop being brainwashed "lemmings".
I seriously can't wait for it to come out when an EA/Microsoft employee comes out and tells about the shady business that's going on.
That is one massive price cut + i think couple of great games releasing there. If it doesn't pass 100k in the first week, its a flop.Arsene Lupin
LOL, no
Saw this on IGN, some guy translated the article.
Playstation 3 = Ownage
40GB White PS3(cheapest) was released along with Dynasty Warriors and the Dual Shock 3.
[QUOTE="Out_Kast3000"]Kameo? Are you guys kidding me? That game looks as if it could have been done easily on XBOX 1.michael098
Lol, and I'm the one that doesn't know what I'm talking about:roll:. And having colourful environments doesn't make a game more visually impressive, crysis, gears of war and many other games that arnt colourful are far more impressive If art style and some bright colours made a game visually superior then games like the original R&C would be considered more impressive than crysis.
Having the right mix of vibrant colors is definitely better looking than extremely dark colors. Nobody said it automatically makes it look better, but it's definitely apart of what makes Ratchet and Clank the best looking game ever.
From a technical standpoint Ratchet and Clank looks just as good if not better than gears of war. Ratchet just isn't realist8ic.
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