[QUOTE="Out_Kast3000"]i laugh at your ignorance my african enslaved friendNo game has ever had the combination of beauty from a graphical and artistic standpoint that it has.
African enslaved? Failure
I'm multi-racial btw.
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[QUOTE="Out_Kast3000"]i laugh at your ignorance my african enslaved friendNo game has ever had the combination of beauty from a graphical and artistic standpoint that it has.
African enslaved? Failure
I'm multi-racial btw.
No game has ever had the combination of beauty from a graphical and artistic standpoint that it has.
the first flaw in your argument is, Assassins creed isnt out yet and hasnt really had any legit comparisons yet. (also by the way it will probably look better on 360 since thats the system they have been showing the public)
Secondly, its pretty much been roven a few times over that call of duty looks slightly better. In my opinion, it doesnt make a difference, but for you to say it looks better on ps3 is basically downright false.
LOL, there's been reviews on Assassins Creed already and other people from sites have seen both builds from the game.
LOL@ Call of Duty 4 looking better on the 360. This has never been proven. It's only been proven it looks slightly better on the PS3. Stop saying stuff if you have no knowledge on it.
Let me guess the developers for Timeshift, Blacksite, MGS4,Stranglehold and so on are also out to destroy. get real
John Carmack head of I.D. software ( Doom, Quake, Castle Wolfenstien, Etc. )
We've got our PlayStation 3 dev kits, and we've got our code compiling on it. I do intend to do a simultaneous release on it. But the honest truth is that Microsoft dev tools are so much better than Sony's," said Carmack. "I think the decision to use an asymmetric CPU by Sony was a wrong one. There are aspects that could make it a winning decision, but they're not helpful to the developers."
Gabe Newell head of Valve ( Counter Strike, Half Life, Etc. )
"Investing in the Cell, investing in the SPE gives you no long-term benefits. There's nothing there that you're going to apply to anything else. You're not going to gain anything except a hatred of the architecture they've created", Newell told Edge magazine.
neither of these developers are MS first party developers and they are both VERY respected in what they do. So please stop with the X-Files junk that developers are out to get the PS3. There is a reason why Sony just sold off all its share of the cell because it was not all it was made up to be......./gasp something from Sony did not live up to the hype. That is not thaqt rare really.
Your post fails just becuase Gabe Newell used to work for Microsoft. He's also basically an EA employee since they publish Half-LIfe 2. He's also a Sony hater and nobody cares what he has to say. You need to learn to read since I mentioned Newell in an earlier post.
Other people have said that the PS3 is not much harder to develop for(Ubisoft).
John Carmack is a fanboy, he didn't even like the PS2. ANd there have been devs who've said that the PS3 is NOT much harder to difficult for than the XBOX 360(Ubisoft).
Still, none of this disproves any of what I've said about their being a conspiracy. There is one, and I'm anticipating an employee speaks out on it somehow soon.
And still just like I said in my other posts, many other devs have been able to release games at the same time as the PS3. Just recenetly with CoD4 and AC.
3 month delay for Half Life 2 Orange Box = Valve and EA failures.
[QUOTE="Out_Kast3000"]you are misinformed[QUOTE="cakeorrdeath"][QUOTE="Out_Kast3000"]They all use the same engine and code or whatever. It's one of the reason they could all fit on a DVD.Danm_999
Misinformed about what?
That the games in the Orange Box run on the same engine as COD4 and Assassin's Creed. They do not.
I wasn't saying that they run on the same engine.
I was saying all the games in the orange box run on the same engine.
Uncharted is the best looking console game graphically.
But Ratchet and Clank is probably the most visually impressive(gotta look at the colors and the whole look of the world) game ever.
I'm really liking this thread. The OP speaks a lot of truth.
As far as companines go Microsoft is easily at the bottom with Nintendo and Sony at the top.
[QUOTE="Out_Kast3000"][QUOTE="OremLK"][QUOTE="Out_Kast3000"]Assassisn Creed and Call of Duty 4 is all that needs to be said.
Coming out same day with virtually no differences between the games(Creed may be better on PS3 though due to Blu-Ray).
We're talking a 3 month delay between Orange Box on the PS3 and Orange Box on the XBOX 360/PC.
Not to mention it's not like Orange Box is some powerhouse technically. Most of the games are just PC/XBOX ports.
And it's not like TF2 and Portal are some amazingly detailed games or anywhere near Call of Duty 4 or Assassins Creed in that department.
They are different games with different engines. The issue is not just about visual detail, it's about how the games are coded and how much the programmers have to change the code to make it work on the PS3.
They all use the same engine and code or whatever. It's one of the reason they could all fit on a DVD.Still doesn't change anything though.
All of the Orange Box games use the same engine, but that engine is completely different from the ones used in Call of Duty 4 and Assassin's Creed respectively. You can't expect every game to take the same amount of time to port from one system to the next, and visual detail is not necessarily the reason for delays. It might just be difficult to change PC/Xbox code into a form that will work on the PS3.
By the way, TF2 and Portal may not be "visual powerhouses", but HL2: Episode 2 looks better than either CoD4 or Assassin's Creed.
Ep. 2 does not look better than CoD4 or Assassisn Creed. Get your eyes checked.
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