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#1 Out_Kast3000
Member since 2007 • 358 Posts

The only thing I see in your post is a bunch of XBOX bias. Halo for breakthrough technology? LOL.

Ratchet and Clank, Heavenly Sword, and Uncharted are visually superior to anything the XBOX 360 has to offer.

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#2 Out_Kast3000
Member since 2007 • 358 Posts

Orange box for the PS3 has been delayed again to 08. http://www.n4g.com/News-82247.aspx

Things we need to look at including Orange BOX being delayed.

Microsoft pays off publishers/devs. They recently paid EA for something, I think it had something to with EA sports. I don't remember, but they paid them millions for something.

EA is the biggest 3rd party publisher worldwide(they have the money and resources to keep everything up to par between the consoles) yet they're the main developers that have these "problems" that delay ps3 games months later or they can't put games up to par(Madden 08, even though it was never that big).

Games like Call of Duty 4, Oblivion, Assassisn Creed, etc. have come to look better on the PS3 or are on par and CoD4 and AC releasing both versions SAME DAY. There's no way EA should be having these "problems". Even if it were 100% true, EA has more money and resources than any other 3rd party publisher. They should be able to fix "problems" easily.

People at Ubisoft(GRAW) have said that the PS3 is not really more difficult to code for, it's just newer.

Peter Moore(former microsoft games division vice-president) recenetly transfered to work for EA a few months ago.

Gabe Newell and the other guy at Valve have hated on the PS3 with stupid comments.(HL2 Orange Box developers.)

Go Back to the Skate commercials. They Only ever marketed the 360 version and never the PS3 version. The only time EA has ever given Sony any type of marketing love this gen is with the Simpsons Game(face_plain)

So I just went to the EA site and saw an ad linking to the XBOX thing linking to the XBOX site(go to it to see what I mean). No mention of PS3 anywhere actually on the front page.

There's a lot more examples that I just can' think of atm becuase it's so late.

When you look at all the evidence it proves that EA is anti-Sony, and likely becuase of a secret deal they have with Microsoft. I'm almost ready to boycott EA, and I think many of you should think about doing the same.

EA and Microsoft = FAILURES

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#3 Out_Kast3000
Member since 2007 • 358 Posts

I haven't said anything that isn't true about Microsoft though. It's all been fact. They just put together a horrible product in the XBOX 360 and I've made some people realize that.

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#4 Out_Kast3000
Member since 2007 • 358 Posts

I'm not a fanboy.

The people who were lying about the XBOX 360s are the ones who are fanboys.

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#5 Out_Kast3000
Member since 2007 • 358 Posts
loL@ you guys trying to say I got owned when I owned you guys multiple times in this thread.
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#6 Out_Kast3000
Member since 2007 • 358 Posts

It's dumb because I don't know what will happen with every single console. I also don't really have anyway of knowing you guys are telling the truth about anything. I'm not doing it so don't speak of it again.

It still doesn't change the fact that 100% of them are defective and 33-40% of them fail.

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#7 Out_Kast3000
Member since 2007 • 358 Posts

Nobody cares about what your guys' console does. I don't. Just leave me alone on it.

You're the one backpeddling in trying to try and prove that the 360 isn't a failure when it is.

I'm not going to do the stupid bet. It's dumb.

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#8 Out_Kast3000
Member since 2007 • 358 Posts

Exclusvies are almost always better. Just for the fact that you can take full advantage and focus fully on that one console.

Games like GTA4 will probably not be as good as they could have been if it was still exclusive to the PS3. They lost a lot of freedom since Rockstar now has to make it for the 360 which is inferior to the PS3 in both hardware in the disc department.

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#9 Out_Kast3000
Member since 2007 • 358 Posts

I really don't care, I meant to post 3 weeks anyway. But excpect your 360 to fail on you soon, so get your reciept ready.

XBOX 360's break a lot more than any other electronics. That's the whole point, It's horribly put together and people need to stop trying to act like it isn't.

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#10 Out_Kast3000
Member since 2007 • 358 Posts

I agree with wearetoast... the ps3 has great potential in my opinion. It really seems like developers are struggling with it. This could go one of two ways... they could give up and we will never get to see it's realized potential, or it will be reached. It it's potential better than the 360's? I don't think anyone knows, and wont know for a long time. instantdeath999

Developers aren't giving up on it. And I don't know why people think that.

The PS3 is more popula in both Europe and Japan over the 360 for one. You've got to look at the fact that most of the top developers are from Japan and most of them do not have their best game exclusive to the 360(american, lol). It's either multiplat(Soul Calibur), or in most cases, exclusive to the Playstation 3.

Also, PS3 sales are not much different than the 360 in it's first year and the PS3 is going to dominate 2008.