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Day Tripping!

I got this little thingamobob a day early!  I hear a lot of hate for Play.com on the forums but I've had a pretty good run with them. Every game I order has arrived on or before the expected delivery date. :) Anyways, impressions soon. ;)

Why Guybrush Threepwood is MY favourite video game character!

As your probably well aware by now the All Time Greatest Game Hero event is starting at Gamespot soon and like many people I'm site I'm going to big up my personal favourite character. :P So without further ado: Guybrush Threepwood the almighty!  What's that? Guybrush Thriftweed? No...Threepwood :roll: Anyways, Guybrush is one the scrawniest and most cowardly game characters there is but he more than makes up for that with his astounding wit and cunning. Which is a very good thing considering sword battles in the game are won and lost on the quality of your wit and insults. In fact the tagline of 'The Curse of Monkey Island' was "What is sharper? Your sword or your wit?" But yeah, that's enough about wit. :P While Guybrush is not the most heroic of heroes he indeed he has accomplished some great things. He always saves his love Elaine (even though sometimes she needs saving BECUASE of him) and has thwarted the ghost pirate LeChuck on many different occasions. With very ingenious methods I might add, including throwing voodoo grog at him and making him sneeze fire into explosives! :D The guy also has some of the...scratch that...THE greatest dialog I've ever heard in a game. just check out some of these fine examples below. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- [singing] "Oh... there's... a... monkey in my pocket / And he's stealing all my change / His stare is blank and glassy / I suspect that he's deranged!" "You can count on me, Wally. Just as soon as I defeat LeChuck, rescue Elaine, set all the monkeys free, and ride the Madly Rotating Buccaneer, I'll come back to release you." [when you try to pick up one of the skeletons in the coffins] "I don't need a rotting corpse!" [after you try and combine the nail with the magnet] "Neat, a magnetic nail, completely worthless, but neat." Pirate Leader: "Do you have any special skills? " Guybrush Threepwood: "I can hold my breath for ten minutes!" "Pick up the moon? Are you nuts?" "Wow, a whole bucket full o' mud, AND IT'S MINE, ALL MINE!" ------------------------------------------------------------------------ And that just a tiny amount of them. I haven't even touch upon the conversations with Murray the talking skull! It is a shame however, that Guybrush is currently losing to Wonder...come people that mute can't hold a candle to this might pirate! :( :sigh: Well I guess my bracket is mostly going according to plan. Thanks for reading, hopefully I've given you a better insight to a great character. :) [EDIT] I would like to say thanks to everybody that gave me uni advice in my last blog, I very much appiricate it :)

Cus I'm the Taxman!

As I've mentioned in a previous blog I will soon be going to uni which in turn means I will be moving out into a dorm very soon. Naturally since I am so close to going I'm feeling a little nervous about leave the cosy house I live in and moving into a dorm who's neighbours may or may not be good people. So I was wondering if any of you guys who have been to uni/college would be willing to share some of your experiences with me (particularly of the first week moving in). There are days when I'm looking forward to it and days when I'm dreading it. Hopefully if I get some input from you guys I will know which of my feelings is correct. :P Issues getting on with people? Really hard work (I'm guessing this is a yes :P )? Made some best friends? Managed to squeeze in some time for gaming? I'd love to know :) To steer this blog in a more games related direction I have decided to put my purchase of Katamari Forever on hold since it comes out on the same day I'll be moving into my new dorm, so I'd probably get little time to play it if any...so I will be getting The Beatles: Rock Band instead on the account that I'll at least get a little time to play it before I set off. With a little luck though I might be able to bring Rock Band to the dorm a few times and have a little fun :D Thanks for reading, next time I will be, like most people on Gamespot, be bringing my Greatest Games Hero propaganda to my blog :P Have a nice day Y'all! :)

Game Endings: The Stuff I didn't Like (Spoilerific!)

Once again this blog is full of spoilers. Also keep in mind this blog is just my opinion and reflects what I personally dislike in an ending. I encourage discussion and keep in mind I'm not technically saying the endings below are bad, just that I personally disliked them. So, without further ado... Prince of Persia Prince of Persia is a good game, don't get me wrong. But it's ending just left a bad taste in my mouth. You spend the majority of the game purifying the land from the evil Arhaman (spelling?) battling his minions and saving the land. Then there is the epic climax where you battle Arhaman and trap him back where he belongs. Unfortunately your partner Elika had to sacrifice herself the reseal him. The only thing that is left to do is place her on the alter while the credits roll. But wait, I've regained control, and there is this demonic voice coming through the speakers talking about the light being gone. I wonder around for a bit wondering what to do and then it hits me. I have to destroy the seals which are holding the evil guy in which in turn will revive Elika, and the game ends will the prince and her running away from Arhaman as the apocalypse is starting. I realize that there are people who like this ending and I have to admit it is quite original for video game ending and it is a twist. But it infuriates me that I was pretty much forced TO UNDO EVERYTHING I HAD ACHEIVED IN THE GAME! If the Prince had decided to do nothing at all it would have accomplished as much! I wish the game would have given you a choice whether you save her or not. Now THAT would have been powerful! Resistance, Killzone games I've put these two together because I essentially have the same problem with them. Ending which basically go like this, "The battle is over, but the war is not yet won"...roll credits. They may as well just have a guy running across the screen with a sign saying 'Squeal Time'. Again, like Prince of Persia these are great game (the last level in Killzone 2 is a rue highlight) but come on guys, Lay off the unsatisfying cliff-hangers! Now I don't have a problem with a cliff-hangers if the game has good, quality conclusion to the events that have just past (MGS2 is a good example) but these games have very little conclusion beyond 'The End' screen. The Curse of Monkey Island Yet again, great game. In fact I think it is the funniest game ever made, it's just that the ending doesn't do much compared to the rest of the game. While Murray the talking Skull does give a great rant after the ending while the credits roll. The ending itself is just Guybush and his girlfriend Elaine sailing into the sunset. While there is nothing inherently wrong with it's just unspectacular and I don't think it would have been hard to come up with something funnier and less generic. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Well, those are some of the endings I personally disliked. I'm sure those are not the only endings I had a problem with but they are the ones that stick out in my mind the most :P. Once again keep in mind these are my own personal peeves. Doesn't mean that they were bad technically, they just annoyed me. I'd love to know which endings you guys didn't like as well are your own personal pet peeves. Bring on your disagreements too...Prince of Persia right? :P Anyways. Have a great day! :)

Super Fast Thoughts on Stuff!

I'm officially going to uni and living in a dorm after getting three A-Level passes! I've decided not get a PC MMO becuase of this becuase I probably won't have the time or the PC power in my dorm. :P Don't know if and how I'm going to bring my consoles (or Rock Band) to the dorm. Will try and find a way though I'm not sure if it's wise. The PS3 Slim looks kinda cool but considering I just got a replacement it would be foolish to get one...that and it doesn't play PS2 games. I want Dissdia now! Usain Bolt is indeed very fast. Despite getting into the Champions Online Beta I can't get in due to site trouble. :( New computer tomorrow. Peace!

Game Endings: The Good Stuff (Spoilerific!)

As I've said in the title, this blog contains a lot of spoilers. Specifically for Persona 3 and Metal Gear Solid 4. If you're playing these games or are planning to get them I'd stop reading now. :) Also, sorry for the lack of bolding, underlining etc. It just won't show up for some reason. :? Before I start keep in mind this is my own personal opinion of good endings rather than a general 'best endings in games' blog. With that out of the way... Persona 3 What makes the ending in this game great for me is the android character Agies, who has a genuinely touching monologue about life at the end. What makes this moment even better is that throughout the game you see her character slowly evolving which makes her realization more potent to me. Also, depending on what people you've socialized with throughout the game you get words of encouragement as your about to fight the final boss. The more of those you have the harder you worked throughout the game. :P One of the few games I've played when I have been totally satisfied with the conclusion. Oh, and the final boss looks like a cross between Sephiroth and the Grim Reaper...which is awesome! :D The Pokemon Games Ok, I can tell your rising your eyebrows at this one :P let me explain. You don't get a big huge epic ending with Pokemon but sometimes it doesn't need to be. After you've battled your way through the Elite Four and beaten the Grand Champion (TM) you get an ending which I think is simple, but effective. "Congratulations on beating the Elite Four challenge, your name will be in the hall of fame forever so everybody will know how awesome you are!". Simple yet satisfying :) Metal Gear Solid 4 No game has had me gripped to a story as much as MGS4. The game provides answers to the majority of unanswed questions from the previous games and does so with some beautiful cutscenes. But for me it was the games final gameplay moment that shined the brightest. Going through what can only be described as the 'tunnel of doom' you have to hit the triangle button to get through it, this set up in such a way that you only just make it, when I first attempted it I thought I failed, it was that close. While this is happening the screen splits and you can see all the other characters as they fight and struggle for the same cause. Also the final showdown is a great piece of epic nostalgia against an enemy who has been around since the original 1991 game with music playing for each respective game in the series. Ok, the stuff mentioned above is not technically the ending :P. The ending itself wraps up all the lose ends in the series and provides a great twist at the end. Also, I'm really glad they didn't kill off Solid Snake :) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Those are my favourite endings. As you can see I'm a fan of endings that are satisfying, epic and tell you that you rock :P. Of course these aren't the only endings I like but they are the ones that come to mind the most. :) So, what kind of endings do you guys like? And what ending stick in your mind the most? What do you think of my choice of endings? Does my Pokemon choice sound insane to you? Do you think I've asked too many questions? I'd like to know your thoughts! :) Next time I'll be talking about the endgames that DIDN'T leave a good impression on me. And yes, it will be as full of spoilers as this one :P

PJ Interview...Chirodip_08

Chirodip_08 in short: Once mistook me for a football fan (I'm not :P), is going to be future doctor, was reincarnated about 20 years ago.

What is you're all time favourite console and why?

That would definitely be the PC. I have been a PC gamer ever since I started hammering at the keyboards. The reason being here, in India, we don't really popularize the other consoles, just the PC as it is. Plus, we can always customise our PC, so I would say I will remain a PC gamer 4 life!

What would be your perfect setting for a game?

Let's see, um, er...an open-worlded scenery, with lot's of bad guys around(whichever type it may be),and I can kill them IN STYLE! I have lot's of guns, lots of BIG guns. (PJ: Here, take this copy of Fallout 3 ;) )

Which is better? Cats or Dogs?

Dogs are loyal...though I don't have either in my house!

FIFA or Pro Evolution?

FIFA, definitely for its better gameplay, and they have the better licensed players and leagues.

You have just been told by a giant talking head that you are destined to save the world. What is your first reaction?

"Wait, I have my exams near-by, o let me study, and get good marks. Then probably I can convince my dad to buy me a crepe bandage for future use and possibly a pistol from the local black-market!" (PJ: Because bandages heal everything?)

What is the most frustrating game you have played and why?

I don't play frustrating games! :D

Star Wars or Star Trek?

Star Wars, definitely. Don't ask me why. (PJ: Um, that's kind of my job?)

If you could have a cameo in any game, what would be?

Devil May Cry or Prince Of Persia, maybe. Don't ask me why :D (PJ: :does The Rock eye: )

And the all important question...what is your favourite type of chocolate?

Anything Swiss! Be it milk, or anything else!

Thanks again Chirodip!

Next time! Ok, how do I break this? This is probably going to be one of the last interviews I do. I feel that after over two years of doing these interviews I feel they are getting a little stale and that I'm running out of people to interview, and thus I think it's time to bid the interviews ado. This might not be last interview ever, but I want to start wrapping this feature up. Don't worry though; I do have a replacement in mind which I think you guys will like. Until then adios :)

Huh? It Actully Happened?!

After 9 full years of viruses and progressively diminishing performance we are finally getting a new computer! :D Quite frankly I could hardly believe it. My whole family (including me...) has been dodging around the issues for such a long time I thought this moment would never come. Not a moment to soon as well. I've been getting some absolutely lethal HTML issues recently which has made posting big blog posts such as the interviews a real struggle (I wrote this up two days ago and it's only posted now ). I'm so happy! :D Here are my specs to my eagerly anticipated wonder machine: Intel Core i7 Processor 920 (2.66GHz, 8MB cache, 4.8GT/sec) Genuine Windows Vista Home Premium SP1 (64 BIT) - (with Windows 7 upgrade) 23 inch monitor 6 gig of RAM Two 16x DVD drives 1GB NVIDIA GeForce GT220 graphics card And Tons of insurance! I can't be sure what all that means but I think it's pretty good. Me and my dad are paying half and half and well...it cost a bit, which kind of indicates that spec must be pretty good. :) I'm still undecided as to whether I'm going to get WoW or Champions Online, it seems that every time I'm about to decide on one I discover a feature on the other game that puts me back to square one. I'm trying to get into the Champions Online beta at the mo to help me out, perhaps to comp on the Gamespot UK podcast will turn up a result... PC gamers...I think I will be joining you soon...Peace Out! :)