Day Tripping!
by PJ24 on Comments
Chirodip_08 in short: Once mistook me for a football fan (I'm not :P), is going to be future doctor, was reincarnated about 20 years ago.
What is you're all time favourite console and why?
That would definitely be the PC. I have been a PC gamer ever since I started hammering at the keyboards. The reason being here, in India, we don't really popularize the other consoles, just the PC as it is. Plus, we can always customise our PC, so I would say I will remain a PC gamer 4 life!
What would be your perfect setting for a game?
Let's see, um, er...an open-worlded scenery, with lot's of bad guys around(whichever type it may be),and I can kill them IN STYLE! I have lot's of guns, lots of BIG guns. (PJ: Here, take this copy of Fallout 3 ;) )
Which is better? Cats or Dogs?
Dogs are loyal...though I don't have either in my house!
FIFA or Pro Evolution?
FIFA, definitely for its better gameplay, and they have the better licensed players and leagues.
You have just been told by a giant talking head that you are destined to save the world. What is your first reaction?
"Wait, I have my exams near-by, o let me study, and get good marks. Then probably I can convince my dad to buy me a crepe bandage for future use and possibly a pistol from the local black-market!" (PJ: Because bandages heal everything?)
What is the most frustrating game you have played and why?
I don't play frustrating games! :D
Star Wars or Star Trek?
Star Wars, definitely. Don't ask me why. (PJ: Um, that's kind of my job?)
If you could have a cameo in any game, what would be?
Devil May Cry or Prince Of Persia, maybe. Don't ask me why :D (PJ: :does The Rock eye: )
And the all important question...what is your favourite type of chocolate?
Anything Swiss! Be it milk, or anything else!
Thanks again Chirodip!
Next time! Ok, how do I break this? This is probably going to be one of the last interviews I do. I feel that after over two years of doing these interviews I feel they are getting a little stale and that I'm running out of people to interview, and thus I think it's time to bid the interviews ado. This might not be last interview ever, but I want to start wrapping this feature up. Don't worry though; I do have a replacement in mind which I think you guys will like. Until then adios :)
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