Where are your sources retard It's pretty obvious that the PS3's Cell Engine is majorly superior. Honnestly, it makes the 360's processor look last gen. Somehow I still believe 360 fanboys are in denial of PS3's computer power. More flexible RAM? They both have 512 mb shared between 2 tasks. However the 360's Ram is snailing away at 700mhz Whilst the PS3's Ram is far ahead with 3200mhz. The Cellengine can do 3 trillion calculations per second, did you know the 360's Xenon can't even do 1 trillion? However the Xenon and Cell run at the same speed of 3.2ghz, sadly enough for you SPE's run faster than cores at a dedicated task such as gaming. And the PS3 has 7 SPE's supposed to 360's 3 cores. As for the GPU, the 360's GPU is under 1 TeraFlop, Erm, 700GFlops I think. PS3 delievers a crushing blow once more with a 1.8 TeraFlop performance Graphics card. (The ATI 4870X2 is 2.1 TFLOPS). But lets just put a side those silly calculations and mhz speed and mb of memory okay? Still don't think the PS3 is more powerful? Xbox360 1 TeraFlop overall float performance (WEAK) PS3 : 2 TeraFlops overall float performance (POWERFUL) Nuff said.
However even if all your spec information is 100% correct, The PS3 has been out for well over 2 years now and yet certain multiplats still look and play better on 360, so how do you explain that ? Ya' know since the PS3 is so much more powerful, then why isn't it's multiplat games far superior looking and playing then 360's versions ? Two recent examples i can name is Tiger Woods 09 and Fallout 3 each of those games are so much better than there PS3 counterparts and even rated higher by most reviewers. So again i ask when does your superior PS3 spec list come into play ?, when will dev's use this all powerful hardware of yours to actually make superior games to 360's ?
Xbox 360 - 1 teraflop overall float performance ( still superior looking and playing games to PS3)
PS3 - 2 Teraflops overall float performance ( Has made zero difference in multiplats against 360 )
Nuff said.
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