PS3nut's forum posts
Hey i'm not coming in here and bashing the PS3, i love the PS3 but there are certain things listed in the post that i don't like, and the bottom line is. i just have more invested in the 360, i'll explain in my original thread after i edit it.i really don't understand the I don't use a 100 dollars worth of features so I'm gonna go and lose more than a hundred dollars in the process to get this new console, when you easily could have saved up and bought it and enjoyed both, but whatever floats your boat ...
What also boggles my mind is how you go from 'Sony will eventually win this gen'(paraphrase from April 8th) to full blown PS3 to 360 conversion (by April 13th)
But this isn't twitter or facebook ... i don't need a bloody play by play of your life
Yes Oblivion, Fallout 3 and Tiger Woods 09 all play smoother and better on 360, i know because i had each game on both consoles, so i can confirm it, and besides even this very site along with rated the 360 version of Fallout 3 higher than the PS3 version because of all the glitches and freeze ups. Check for yourself if you don't believe me.So you are justifying your trade in now? I sold my 360 and got a ps3 and haven't looked back dude. You made a booboo. But to each their own... The 360 is a good console and you'll enjoy it but I tend to think you are just thinking the grass is greener and enjoying the perks i guess of hte 360. I personally think the ps3 is better though after having both.
did you ever turn rgb full and super white on on your ps3? Games dont run better on the 360 man.... The ps3 is the nicer console. Yes microsoft are bastards and make you pay to have downloadable content and online.
why do people feel the need to trade in a system to get another one? why not try and get both :?lawlessxI'm 40 years old supporting a family of a wife and 2 kids with one income, lets see you try to build a game library for more than one console during a recession especially with all that. I'm not some teenager or even a guy in my 20's still living with my parents and working a part or full time job with nothing to spend my money on but games and girls.
First, of all i don't like the mandatory game installs by most games like Bioshock, MGS-4, Grand Theft Auto 4, Devil May Cry 4 and many more, i mean were talking no less than 4gb per game installed on the hard drive and i had the 160gb PS3 and it had 92gb after these games were installed, then there was my DLC that took up another few gigs. On the 360 it's an optional choice whether you want to install a game or not on the hard drive.
Secondly, the 360 gets all the best DLC, i mean c'mon' Grand Theft - Lost and the Damned, Fallout 3 - The Pitt, Oblivion has like 8 DLC items not available on PS3.
Third, Games like Fallout 3, Oblivion, and Tiger Woods look and run so much better on 360 and i don't know why.
Fourth, updates and downloads are always a slow two part process on PS3 - download and install, download and install
Lastly i never used the perks that Sony charges $100.00 more for, which was the Wi-Fi connection, my consoles are hard wired, and with my massive DVD collection i never bought or used the Blu-Ray for movies.
As for the RROD that i may or may not get, well i have a 3 year RROD warranty and a regular 1 year warranty for any other issues from Microsoft.
So i'm happy, i have my 360 Elite, 15 games, a renewed Gold Live account, and allloootttttt of DLC to enjoy.
Besides i've owned the 360 before and i have alot of money invested in downloadable games and content, for games such as Gears 1 & 2, Oblivion, CoD 4 & WaW, Halo 3, not to mention i bought like 12 Xbox Live arcade games, downloaded 2 original Xbox games, and i have every intention of getting the extra content for Grand Theft and Fallout 3.
So there is much more invested here than on PS3 and i just can't stand to lose it.
Yup just got back just over an hour ago from trading all my PS3 stuff and getting my 360 stuff.
I ended up with a 360 Elite, 14 games, an Xbox Live Gold account for all my trade in credit so, i'm just hoping i got a model that has the jasper chip, which will cut down my chances of a RROD.
So i'll keep my fingers crossed, in the mean time i guess i'll have to figure out how to change my username to 360nut.
Actually i'm just going to put all my trade in credit into a 360, so i can get the most games i can possibly get for my money, besides i have to upgrade my Live account from Silver to Gold unfortunately so that'll cost me.
Which is why i just decided to forget about the Wii and just sink all my PS3 trade credit into the 360.
Tc, whats your Psn I.D?black_tempestMacmutt
Yeah i know go ahead and flame because little ol' me " PS3nut " is contemplating the switch, the guy who's been giving Wii and 360 fans so much grief since i've been here, is now considering switching, as early as tomorrow.
Believe me i have my reasons, 1st of all, i have had and beaten all the latest and greatest games on the PS3 as recent as RE-5, plus for what ever reason i've noticed certain games run smoother on 360 and i don't know why considering it's lesser hardware specs, games like Tiger Woods 09, Fallout 3, Oblivion and so on.
I also have an 8 year old son and a 1 year old daughter and i'd like to start them off with the familiar Nintendo faces i knew growing up, like Mario, Zelda, SSBB and other games that are geared more towards there age group.
However the best reason for me to swap out is because i don't use the extra features Sony charges $100.00 more for, which is the Wi-Fi and the Blu-Ray, besides i have enough Sony games and the 160gb console, along with my new Nintendo DSI to get a mega amount of credit for both, actually i'll probably just return my DSi since i just got it yesterday.
I'll try to pick up a 360 Elite and a Wii with a few top games for each, so go ahead boy's flame all you want.
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