WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW..actually I beat the game last weekend and I've been to busy with homework to write a blog :P
That game is pretty darn cool lol. It's got a few little flaws and nuissances here and there but the good greatly outweighs the bad. If you liked Wild ARMS 4 then you'd most likely love Wild ARMs 5 a LOT more :)
I beat the game at around 72 hours but about 20 of those hours I ended up passing out from time to time with the game on :( There's SOOOOOO much side stuff it's unbelievable, I don't think as much as FFXII or Rogue Galaxy but there's a TON of stuff. Optional bosses left and right :)
- The storyline is pretty good for the most part..a few times it reminded me of Star Ocean 3 and Xenosaga 1-3 in a BAD way but it redeems itself. Unlike Star Ocean 3, the storyline doesn't rollercoaster downhill after a certain part :P
- On the world map (which is CRAZY HUGE btw) and in some dungeons there's these funky lookin' floating crystal things that are optional bosses later on in the game :)
- only 3 characters in your party at a time but if you're on the right Hexagon you can switch party members.
- it's not TOO hard...it's actually pretty childishly easy at first but there's a few noticeable difficulty spikes as the game progesses.
- regular battles are easy enough, sometimes a bit harder than Wild ARMs 4 but still fairly easy. HP recharges automatically after every battle so it makes things easier.
- Lot's of sidequests for items, money, gear for your party members...most of them are fairly easy and involve running from place to place talking to certain people, I've had a few that involved fighting an optional boss.
- LOTS of cameos of playable characters from previous Wild ARMs games,talk to them and it triggers side missions and stuff, one of them lets you synthesize Badges :D I'm sad there's no cameos from the villains though :( it would have been awesome to see Zeikfried as a civilian in one of the Veruni towns ;)
- Voice acting is ok....Once you hear Carol you might want to mute your TV, Dean's voice during battles can get annoying sometimes but then there's a really crazy guy called Kartikeya and I swear he reminds me of Kefka from FFVI...pure badass
- the dialogue in some cutscenes are HILARIOUS! I laughed a lot during this game.
- the parrots you talk to for saving the game are one of the best parts of Wild ARMs 5, pay attention to what they say before you save the game XD XD XD XD sometimes they are extremely bizarre, sometimes they reference other games/movies ;)
- the music is phenomenal, most towns have cool redneck cowboy music lol some characters have their own boss fight music, it's pretty cool...Kartikeya's battle theme is pretty rockin'.
- I hate most of the dungeons though...it's like "well to get into the next town we have to go through a cave" and it's the same thing in every dungeon: solve a few EASY EASY EASY puzzles to progress through the cave, every few screens there'll be a dialogue scene that lasts about 3-5 minutes, fight a sub-boss halfway through, purify a Sol Niger near the end (EASY EASY optional bosses), fight a boss at the very end then exit the cave...the only GOOD dungeons are the optional ones or the end-game ones..oh, and the shrine with the Gobs (I wish I made a save before that dungeon...omg it's so freaking funny in there :D)
Well that's about it...I probably should have just made a video blog lol but I'll save that for when I have time for film editing ;)
Off to play Guild Wars: Eye of the North now, ttyl
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