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PainsPerception Blog

fighting to save the land of Elona from the Nightfall! :s

I've been playing the [poop] out of Guild Wars: Nightfall for a few days :P I'm still on the noobie island but that will change eventually.


This game is definately funner than Factions (which i haven't beaten yet and i got it the day it came out :P) but not as fun as Prophecies..I dunno, I guess beating down the Charr, Titans and White Mantle is funner than beating down Corsairs and different types of demons :D

But I will admit liked the plot in Factions as much as in Prophecies and Nightfall because out of nowhere the civilians start going insane [see below pic] then eventually turning into grotesque infected lookin' creatures. AAAAAND you're led to believe it's a plague (that's what everyone thinks it is) but as you progress through the game you learn the truth *gasp*


Anywho, the citizens of Elona won't save themselves so someone's gotta do it! ^_^



example of the crazyness in Guild Wars: Factions



*edit* well What the hell is this??? how come the image gets cut off??? BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 

just a simple blog..infused with the power of SPARRRRRRDAAAAAAA


WOW Devil May Cry 4 is going to KICK so much ass!!!

 I'm a little disappointed with the video of the Berial fight because Berial did pretty much nothing but that's just the first fight so i'm sure he'll get a lot harder as the game goes on. Other than that, the fights look pretty smooth. Seeing Nero and Dante fighting and trashing talking each other should be entertaining as well. ^_^'


And DMC4 takes place post-DMC1/pre-DMC2? I guess Capcom is scared to go post-DMC2 seeing how not many people liked it :P 

Anywho, these scenes aren't going to render themselves so i g2g for a bit :cry:

what to do for the summer...hrmmm

Well, school is out for 4 months :)

I've been spending 90% of my time at my gf's so i haven't had much time to catch up on new games. I've been helping her with Paer Mario: the thousand year door for GameCube and Super Paper Mario for Wii. I like the 1000yr door a lot more because it's more my style of RPG, being Turn-Based and having some pretty whacked puzzles. It's funny seeing my gf play it on GC because she has no idea what a turn-based RPG is so i had to teach her how to use Badges (in a normal RPG they are called Accessories pretty much) and pretty much everything that comes with a regular turn-based RPG like using items during battles, conserving HP/MP, etc.

I'm looking for a job around here too, preferably doing art contracts but it's kinda hard getting art contracts around here. I'm slowly progressing in my portfolio as well...i have some pretty nifty stuff in there now :D

Can't wait for Wild ARMs 5 to come out...ooooooomg that game is gonna rock :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

And what's up with Square-Enix remaking FFIV? They better hop to it and remake FFVI on ps2 or sumthin, FF6,7,8 are (in my opnion) the only FFs worthy of getting TRUE remakes on ps2 or ps3 :) the other FFs were good, too, but not as memorable as those 3. And if I were them, I would have remade FF5 for the PC and made it into a small MMORPG like Rappelz or Silkroad Online :) something free, to give back to the ppl who have been faithful to Square-Enix after all these years of useless remakes and non-north american International/Final Mix releases ;) 

LOL, ps3 fans are hardcore! hahahaha

I just read an article about ps3 fans flipping out on Capcom for making Devil May Cry 4 a Multi-Platform game and even made a petition to boycott Capcom's decision :P

I, personally don't give a **** lol, if it gets released for PC then i just saved myself $500.00 cuz i'd have to buy a PS3 to play it :P but still, it's just a game going on different platforms,its not like Capcom is saying "screw u sony we arent releasing it on ps3 AT ALL" so i don't know why people are whining...i can't recall whining about any games i loved that went multi-platform...




ps. the only reason why i made this blog is because Gspot says i'm too low of a level to leave a comment yet i seen other level 20's comment, even some with a lower % than me, yet i can't :evil:

pps. i don't care if no one comments, it's just something i have to get off my chest :)

now if you don't mind, i have an assload of Affidavits and other Civil Procedure forms to fill out and get signed/stamped by tomorrow :S so i'll ttyl

bloggy blog

it's been over a month since i last blogged, here's a few things that happened between the last time i blogged and 30 seconds ago! :)

nothing much :P, school is still hectic but now i have a gf (it will be 1 month as of tomorrow but we've been going on "dates" since january) that i spend a lot of time with and it's cutting into my homework i have to work out some kind of routine that can last until the end of April :D

the end :)

Rogue Galaxy >>>>>> FFXII (my personal opinion, obviously)


that's all i have to say about Rogue Galaxy!!!

This game OWNS FFXII on a lot of things :) I admit I only have like 2 hours clocked on this game compared to my 175 hour save on FFXII but I can already tell this game is serious SERIOUS ownage! The fights are so ****ing fun compared to FFXII. In this game you have X to attack and O to jump and Square to shoot your gun! For some reason I feel like I'm playing Devil May Cry or something when I get into a fight :D minus the Devil Trigger, but who knows there might be something like that later on. In FFXII all you do is make your party members pick an enemy and WATCH them hack away :( . The voice acting is pretty cool too, I really like the diversity. I only liked Basche and Balthier from FFXII, Vaan sounded monotonous and robotic all the time.

I just beat the first boss in RG and it was kind of easy, more like a demonstration/tutorial fight I suppose but still hella fun jumping on the platforms and whacking its weakspot!

The only games I like more than this are the Xenosaga and Wild ARMs games, but that's just because of the pure storyline power compared to most other RPGs.

Anyways, I only have a VERY limited playing time due to intense homework stuff, so I'm going to go back and play more RG for a little while longer!

peace out.

Just a blog to let you all know i'm not dead :P

 It's been over a month since I last blogged so I'll start by saying i hope everyone had a happy baby jesus day and new year.

Now onto some blogging. I put FFXII on hold for a bit because that game just won't end!!!! I'm clocked in at nearly 150 hours and i still have lots of clan hunts and a few others side quests to do. Instead, I found a bunch of books on Physics,Biology,Chemistry and Math to "a bunch" I mean like over 1500 books lol. I'm not even done reading my first book which is "The Mathematical Theory Of Cosmic Strings" it's basically about the string theory. I also started playing Lineage 2 again because I wanted to see what Chronicle 5 is like :) NCSoft is making a Chronicle 5 Interlude so I might stick around for that too. I'm forgetting something.....................................OH!! ya, I finally found a working version of the MUGEN game engine and I now have about 175 characters (the screen doesn't even fit them all :P), 140 Stages WITH background music (various music from various games/movies). That's about it for now. So i'm gonna go take a nap because I've been awake since 2:00am. g'night.

heyyy i have time to blog!!

i dont really have anything new to say, beat FFXII a long while ago and plan on making a Boss Fight video montage soon (when i can get the webcam to take decent quality vids of the TV cuz its very high contrast :( ) have some final assignments to do for tommorow morning, OPEN BOOK exam in the afternoon, monday have to hand in an exam (this professor rocks, she gives us the exam a week in advance and we can do it at home :D) then a test monday afternoon that should be easy cuz the teacher gave us a page last week with all the answers and said "read this whole thing because 4/6 of these questions r on the test" then tuesday i have to hand in an essay (very easy, the professor barely had anything to modify from the rough copy) and ANOTHER big test in the afternoon, wednesday and thursday are more or less "show up if you want" days and i might show up, get bonus pts lol

anywho, how are you ppl doing? i'll be taking rounds looking at your blogs and commenting later on today :)
