Wii sales are grinding to a halt, that is all those who wanted a Wii have one and they only bought it to play Wii sports(i own and use my Wii for Mario kart and nothing else). So poor sales ahead for both Nintendo and third party publishers. Microsoft and sony announced their motion controllers recently and are both gaining ground on Nintendo. My question is, Has the annoucement of new motion controllers made the difference in the game buying public mind or is this simply down to Wii reaching its natural end? if so are we gonna get motion controllers we don't really want and worse still see precious development time being used on minigames for platforms owned by real gamers?
Pantburster's forum posts
but i'm certain another zelda and mario galaxy 2 are gonna arrive first? that can't be about pacing? surely F-Zero Wii or PilotWiings(even just made up a cool name for 'em too) would have slotted in nicely for an E3 annoucement.
Yea come on Nintendo get those great games released. As a thank you to all the very patient real gamers out here who continue to buy your products would do! But seriously hte big N have enough money to develop whatever they like, be it wii sports 9 and/or F-Zero Wii. Have Nintendo still got a special connection to its fans as they have to Nintendo? time will tell i suppose. I can't help thinking deep down that in the long run they gotta respect the fanboys or it'll bit'em in the arse!
Iv'e played games since the ZX-81 'til now. Since then iv'e owned several home computers and several consoles. Throughout gamings brief history everything has evolved, least of which the way we control games, that is, until now so the Wii really is next gen. Graphics will always get better, even the xbox and ps3 have a long way to go before they are 'photorealistic' so where does the wii figure on a graphical level? pretty good but not brilliant which is acceptable so why all the naysayers? because it represents a turning point in gaming and i have to admit that for all the innovation that has arrived with the Wii there is a whole new brand of games that are aimed at non gamers that is damaging to traditional gaming and game direction. So how would things go in an ideal world? I would love all the non gamers to lose interest leaving us with new technology for real developers to make proper games with! Alas for now i say the Wii is ok and sometimes great(Mario Kart,Metroid).
i have watched the video and i 'was' impressed due to the technical side of things but as stated how can the be included in a first person shooter as an example? how would you move your onscreen self around a battlefield?
So we now know what all 3 are offering regards motion sensor tech but what confuses me is just how the ps3 and microsoft offerings can be used in real gaming?
The Wii set up has a nunchuk which allows movement and tilt tech, the wiimote allows aiming(pointing device) and tilt within a fps or third person for example. What i'd like to know is how would you achieve this on the new sony and microsost offerings?
I have read lots of negative things about mario kart wii and i assumed it was true. I recently had the pleasure of playing MKWii at a friends and although the power-ups seemed a bit WOAH! having a good lead on the pack still got you a first so i had to question what i had read about non skill elements. I played online and this was flawless and again i felt that if i raced well i got placed and if i raced badly i came last regardless of which power-ups i picked up.
What do you the think having actualy played the game versus the media opinion?
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