> Buy M-rated game for little Timmy (despite warnings of violent content), knowing full well Timmy is prohibited from legally buying said game himself
> Sit on ass and let game babysit Timmy
> While on said ass, listen to hours upon hours of fear-mongering by media
> Take game away and scold Timmy for even being interested in it
> Attend mass-burning of games like some sort of medieval lemming
> Spend years wondering why your kid resents you
And the saddest part? You parents were in Timmy's place just thirty or forty years prior when YOUR parents took away YOUR rock albums. Did you learn nothing? Not only are you ignorant and lazy, you're hypocrites too.
So they publish games for studios like ThatGameCompany and Team Ico and that makes them more mature? What is that even based off? Are they trying to tell us that those games wouldn't sell if they were released on the other consoles, cause I call BS on that.
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