@C4N4D14N_DR34M @majoras_wrath Maybe cause marriage has nothing to do with religion unless you want it to...
@Suikogaiden @Halloll At this point I'd rather there be a campaign to ban the word "agenda". So sick of hearing that sh#t.
I notice Activision isn't on board. They must not wanna piss off all the rednecks playing Call of Duty.
@Kjranu @jeffpno Deep Silver will be the new publisher of Last Light. They also bought Volition and will publish Saints Row 4.
@InquisitorCrox @Nezard Back when they were Clover Studio they made Okami. Tack on some loot and wish granted.
So it essentially has its own versions of XBL Gold, Smartglass and Kinect packed in? Orbis and Durango sound like they're gonna be the same console at this point.
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