[QUOTE="PayneKiller"]I haven't yet played Revelations but plan to before 3 comes out but I have played Brotherhood and if you are interested in Desmond's story, then I definitely recommend youtubing Brotherhood. Not sure what will carry over but some (IMO) major events took place. Okay thanks man, I really wasn't sure because any time I saw trailers or anything it seemed focused on Ezio and multiplayer. I'll be sure to check them out tho>Just like how I didn't care much for Ezio's story as much as Desmond's, I decided to skip out on Brotherhood and Revelations, cause they seemed to me like just more DLC and addition of multiplayer, not my interest. I may youtube them close to the release of 3 just to make sure I'm not missing any small details tho, cause trust me, they matter.
PayneKiller's forum posts
I enjoyed AC1, for the first few hours... then it became such a bore playing the same missions over and over again that the story was the only thing holding my interest anymore.
I, and I believe much like MANY other people that have played the game (I've seen many posts saying so without me even asking) , only managed to get through about 70-90% of the game before I said "No more!" and sat the game down. Picked it back up a few months later when the annoyance sort of faded to finally get to see the awesome cliffhanger ending.:? All those questions just left me wanting more Assassin's Creed..
I was so happy at the E3 announcement of AC2 that they were addressing the mission variety in the game, and they improved on it so much I was hooked throughout the entire game AND even bought the DLC to see more of the story, even though the DLC story isn't what I care about since it follows Ezio rather than Desmond. But ya, AC2 is MUCH better than AC1 gameplay wise.
Just like how I didn't care much for Ezio's story as much as Desmond's, I decided to skip out on Brotherhood and Revelations, cause they seemed to me like just more DLC and addition of multiplayer, not my interest. I may youtube them close to the release of 3 just to make sure I'm not missing any small details tho, cause trust me, they matter.
you should
or at least watch it on Youtube. The story is the main reason I play and love these games.
This is awesome, especially after I bought the inFamous 2 "ultimate bundle" just an hour before the press conference thinking the $24 was a deal price and Sony were probably going to update the store during the conference and the sale would end there.:roll:
Anyway, I won't bother calling them up asking for a refund which they probably wont honor, if only because I got all the meaningless addons [100kb keys] and I will have full access even when my subscription ends, which I'll probably be renewing when it ends in october anyway.. It should be cool have both inFamous 1 and 2 on my PS3 at all times.
And on that subject, I thought I'd try clarifying the "when it ends" questions people have since I went thru it before with my initial 3month trial then purchase of a full year (which came with a +3 months bonus at the time so I got 15 months).
FREE Games - are only accessible while your subscription is active, maybe not redownloadable too but I never tried downloading when it ended. If you renew your subscription, you regain access to all these games, and can redownload them. I know this for certain cause I lost access to some PS1 games like Spyro and another PS3 game (tl:dr) and when I resubscribed I could play and download them again when I got a new PS3.
PAID Discounted Games - are yours forever. No further explanation needed.
FREE Themes/Avatars AND Add-on DLC - are also yours to keep forever.
Only the Free full games or PS1 games or Minis that end up on your Games list, that you can see right there on your XMB not in your game data folders etc, have the "limited" access and rental 'tags' attached to them.
Diablo 3 is a hack n slash game, and sold more than that within the first month. Although I'm not entirely sure you should be classifying GoW as hack n slash in the first place. LOL First he calls Diablo 3 hack n slash... then he says God of War shouldn't be classified as hack n slash... please, educate us some more. I was never certain if Half Life 2 was a sim game or a rpg, maybe you can clarify that for me.[QUOTE="drakekratos"] God of War 3 - 5.2 million GOW is the best selling game in the "hack n slash" genre.GhoX
Why did I buy that 'ultimate bundle' yesterday evening for $24.....
at least i keep it forever even if i end my subscription, even tho it's more likely i renew when its done.
[QUOTE="hoola"]This argument was old back in 2007. Pretty sad people still use it.I prefer my PS3 over 360 because my PS3 has games.
Pretty sad it's still true.
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