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Pharoah__Link Blog

Three Years of Good Ol' GameSpotty Goodness (UPDATE: inFamous Review! :D)


I GRADUATED HIGH SCHOOL!! Yeah, it's been an awesome four years which surprisingly didn't have too much drama in it. And for that, I am thankful. It's been mostly filled with me doing stupid crap with my friends, the occasional phase of depression, school taking a dump on me and caffeine. Lot's of caffeine. I can't wait for what's to come in the future! :)

So I just went online just to see what's up with everyone on here and I just realized something... Two days ago was my third anniversary of being a member on Gamespot. I know I don't post much anymore (understatement actually :P ) but I thought I'd take a moment and reflect on all that has happened in the past three years...

My first GameSpot friend....Neil_2468

Ahh good ol' Neil. I still remember posting on your first blog and my first blog. I think we've hit almost...50 comments on both our blogs or something like that hahaha Anyways you're awesome and I probably would've given up on Gamespot a long long time ago if it wasn't for ya! (No I haven't given up on it now, I'm just busy with life unfortunately) Thanks for being such an awesome friend and I hope our friendship never fades away :)

And to my other two earliest Gamespot friends (dunno who came first lol :P)... Roman_Irishman and edpetersen

Roman, you got me into rock n' roll and for that. I thank you. I actually didn't listen to any music before that, strange huh? Well actually the combined efforts of you, Neil and ed got me into rock but it was you who gave me the biggest push :P You also convinced me to buy a PS3 and got me to buy MGS4 which I haven't replayed for years but I don't want to so that I can make sure that it never ever gets old. Plus 90 minutes cutscenes..I don't have that much time on my hands :( You're also one of the nicest guys I've ever had the pleasure of well...I don't wanna say talking because I have never spoken to you literally, so I guess I'll use the term "interacting" with on Gamespot. And you're a damn good friend too, good meetin' you. Here's hoping for more of this in the future, if I can find enough damn time to post more on this site! :P

ED!! You're just awesome dude! Playing Syphon Filter with you on PSP was fun, and you probably have my all time favorite profile picture of all time. It's seriously that awesome hahaha I will never forget how my Halo 3 review (which got banned by a fanboy mod) inspired you to give Gears 1 a 7.5 and write a review. Reading that review made me feel like a boss hahaAnyways, thanks for being an awesome friend on this wonderful website, and where the hell are your Let's Play videos? I miss those, especially the ones where you sounded like you were totally stoned :P

Of course I love everyone else on this site :) But these three were the first ones I've had the pleasure of meeting on this site and probably the three coolest gamers you'll find here!

So onto other stuff I guess,

I think I might postreviews for inFamous, inFamous 2 (once I beat it on evil), Uncharted 2 and maybe Call of Duty: Black Ops (I only got it for its Cold War setting, I will never buy another Call of Duty AGAIN, it is addicting though haha). It's beenway too long since I reviewed a game and Ihonestly love reviewing games!And I've also been listening to slightly more soft music recently, like Coldplay and Matthew Good. No I don't consider Coldplay to be rock but I just really wanna listen to something soft, I guess I just need a break of crazy asselectric guitars and drums. Here'san awesome song from each of them! :D - Trouble Good - The Boy Come Home (check out the album Hospital Music it's amazing)

Screw it, here's another Matthew Good song, it's called "While We Were Hunting Rabbits"

And no I haven't let go of crazy guitars and drums... :) Fighters - Wattershed Against - Alive and Well (remastered version) Against - Join The Ranks (demo)

So...enjoy the music! And hopefully I can post more! :)

So I just posted my inFamous review! Check it out and tell me what you think! :D's been a while...

Yea...I haven't posted ANYTHING for a long time! I've been reading your guys' blogs but I just haven't felt like doing anything on GameSpot..dunno why but for now I'm back! I have had one hell of a Senior year, and I've been incredibly busy with so much other stuff. So I guess I'll just list some stuff I've been up to.


So along with all the other crap I have to do...I have my Senior Project...basically you have to do something you haven't done before, do reports on it and a ton of other useless stuff. It's really easy but freaking time consuming! But I'm almost done with that..thank goodness.


I've been really getting into punk rock, been listening to a TON of Rise Against and Bad Religion, both are amazing bands. And I have to say...Rise Against's new album, Endgame freaking rocked my world! It was a really good album, that's all I can really say. And of course the Foo Fighter's new album, Wasting Light. I've listened to it on the Foos' official website and it's really really good. It has a raw chaotic sound to it and it sounds amazing. The best part is that they promoted the album by playing live at these small clubs and those performances sound JUST like the album. So it's great to finally listen to a band that sounds great live. Plus they recorded the whole album on tape in a FREAKING GARAGE! That's gotta count for something :P

And I've been doing some stuff of my own, I actually started writing my own music a while ago and one of my best friend's and I are starting up a band. Only one problem, I still need to learn how to play guitar...and he still needs to learn to play bass. After watching another local indie punk rock band perform a show in a barn and I was in a small crazy mosh buddy and I decided that we're sticking with local. It's way funner :P So here's hoping that I can finally learn to play guitar! Because I've gotten a lot of really good feedback on my lyrics. So...wish me luck :P

And I got accepted into a sweet university...Florida A&M University that is...So this fall I'll be moving from Washington state to FLORIDA!! I personally can't wait, I've always wanted to go to different places. This might screw up with the band thing, but I'll be home in the summers so no biggy. And another problem....classes start August 23...Resistance 3 comes out September 6. Oh well...I've been waiting for it for a whopping 2 and a half years now. :('s good to be back on GS :) So have a good one guys!

In like Flynn?

Yep I finally got Uncharted 2 and I LOVE IT!!! :D So if you wanna play some co-op or online (since I know a lot of you guys have this game) hit me up on PSN, my PSN (in case you don't have it) is: OMG_NO_NAME

So far I'm giving this a 10/10 I'm already at chapter 9 and so far there hasn't been a single dull moment in the game...and everything is just perfect, I honestly haven't played a game this good since MGS4. Anways I'm gonna go back and play some more Uncharted 2 see you guys online! :)

Why hello there Summer Vacation, I've missed you.

What can I say summer is HERE!! I got out 2 days ago but I was too busy murdering noobs online (and teabagging them) and hanging out with my friends. But so far I guess it's safe to say I'm gonna have one hell of a vacation! Hopefully I will be able to get my hands on Uncharted 2 and inFamous! inFamous 2 is looking amazing so I really wanna play the first one :D As for Uncharted 1, the shooting was kinda awkward but it's been perfected in Uncharted 2, making headshots A LOT easier but still rewarding :) Speaking of headshots, I effing love Nazi Zombies. I played it for the first time a while ago at my cousin's place on his 360 and it is truly amazing!! Left 4 Dead can kiss my zombie slaying Egyptian @$$...Nazi Zombies beats the hell out of it HANDS DOWN. So if CoD Black Ops had Vietcong Zombies or something, consider it purchased and I'm sure we can get a bunch of us in a zombie killing fest, just like God intended us gamers to be doing. :) Anyways I haven't been blogging much and when I look back at them I kinda find that they are kinda boring :P but anyways hopefully I will be blogging more often and hopefully I can actually get my hands on a game...I haven't bought a single video game since June 14...which was when Battlefield 1943 came out on I'm dying for something new to play. Thankfully I have Killzone 2, which is still one of the best online shooters to date, in my opinion, due to it's amazing raw gameplay. MW2 is great because of the customization and the rewards and all that good stuff...and it's easy to get used to but Killzone 2 requires skill and just the way the guns fire make you feel powerful and it's just intense! Anyways I can't wait for Killzone 3! I personally love snow levels just because of the creativity that you can get from it! If you've seen the E3 demo for KZ3 then you'll know what I'm talking about! MGS: Rising looked great but I'm not sold...yet. I just need to see more! I don't doubt Kojima's awesomeness but he's not even developing the game it's just people who work for him who do the work. But hopefully that teams experience with Hideo Kojima is more than enough! PS Move looks OK, I'm not gonna buy it but it will definitely attract a bigger audience. Hopefully if the Move is bundeled with the PS3 in the future the cash will come rolling in! As for looks like a failure... And for 3D in it really hmm what's the word....NECESSARY? In movies it's a totally different thing but do we really need it in our VIDEO GAMES! I mean come on! But I have to will be pretty sweet in a crazy shooter like Killzone 3...or if it was a game like GOD OF WAR 3!!!!!!! Yes 3D will do great. So let's hope developers can take advantage and attempt (and probably fail) at convincing gamers to purchase ridiculously expensive TVs and stupid @$$ glasses... Anyways one more thing about E3.....WHERE THE HELL IS RESISTANCE 3?!??! SERIOUSLY?? Thisis my number 1 most anticipated game of all time....mainly because of how great the last 2 games were andthecliffhanger ending in the second game! So looks like I'm gonna be scratching my head for avery very long time.Anywaysso what were your favorite and least favorite games at E3 2010?Anyways enjoy your summers and PEACE :D

Why is it always 28? Choose a different number already!

Well the number "28" may imply that I have seen either 28 Days Later or 28 Weeks Later. The answer is I have seen both movies and both are amazing. I think I already said that I saw 28 Days Later, I'm not sure but I did just see 28 Weeks Later today and holy crap it is amazing! The storyline isn't as good and twisted like in the first movie but none the less a great film even more brutal than the first one :) And I really hope none of you guys believed my un-funny April Fool's Joke because don't worry, I really don't like the Jonas Brothers so glad I said that before everyone begins untracking me :P. Ok but I really did find what possibly may be my new favorite band. That band is Foo Fighters. So I'll just quick post some songs that I really like from them

The Pretender -

Best of You -

Learn to Fly - has the best music video :D)

Ok I hope you guys enjoy them! And and and.....8 WEEKS OF SCHOOL LEFT!!!! YEAAHH!!!!!!!! Alright hope you guys survive your remaining weeks of school! I will definitely try to :)

Oh and I heard of this band called One Republic, so before I waste my time and check it out I just wanna know if it's good or if it sucks. Ok thank you :)

I can't believe it either....

A friend of mine just showed me a song from aband that I really used to hate and now I love that band! That band is....




Here it goes......................

............................................Jonas Brothers!

Here is the song that got me hooked, I know I can't believe it either!!

Why hello there my black box of magical wonders :) *NEW* Killzone 2 + LoZ review

Spring Break has begun and I had a very very steamy and bloody reunion with my PS3 :). So I basically rebeat Killzone 2 (I was already 3/4 done lol) and just played some multiplayer. I was gonna grab Uncharted 2 but I realized that I'm a bit short on money so that's gonna have to wait... So I've downloaded a ton of demos, Uncharted 2, Heavy Rain, God of War III, and Just Cause 2. All of them were great except for Just Cause 2. It seemed repetitive. But the rest were outstanding! Especially God of War III and Uncharted 2. Heavy Rain was awesome too but there wasn't enough content to really see the impact of my decisions. Anyways recently I watched Band of Brothers and I don't have the words to say how amazing it was. Recently HBO made a new series The Pacific. It's alright but so far it's not as good as Band of Brothers. It feels great to finally come back to my PS3 after a long time and hopefully I can find some new "toys" for it :P. Preferably ones with huge explosions :D such as:

Battlefield: Bad Company 2OR Medal of Honor (multiplayer is made by the same ppl, but if the campaign is better in Medal of Honor then I won't get Bad Company 2)

Uncharted 2, Like I said the demo just blew me away. I also LOVE using stealth in it, reminded me of 007 Everything or Nothing, has abad a$$ protagonist, hot chicks, action, explosions, witty one liners and some crazy bad guy. All it's missing are vodka martinis, British accents, Aston Martins and the gadgets.

Alpha Protocol, James Bond RPG ****..enough said. The only thing really keeping me from being excited about this game is just the fact that Sega's publishing I'm really hoping they don't f*** this game up like they do with all of their other games.

Well that's it and hope you guys have a good one :) Oh and I hear a new Rise Against album may be coming out this year!! I would post some of my favorite songs by them but I'm too lazy :P

Hey guys new Killzone 2 review click on the link!;review1So please read it and tell me what you think of the review. This was my first review in a very very long time so I hope my reviewing abilities haven't rusted over the years :P

Update! Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess Review!! Clink on the link and tell me your opinion (haha get it Click on the Link :P lol I know that pun sucked);review1

Ask me anything and unleash the stalker within!

I think I've done a blog like this before but I can't do it. Anyways I've realized my blogs have been really lame recently so I wanna try and do something different. Hopefully in the future I can do countdowns of favorite games and movies of the last decade. So ask me ANY question, but just don't ask any really stupid ones, but I think you guys would know what I mean by stupid questions since I'm sure you're all mature enough to know by now :P. Hopefully in a few days I'll answer your questions! Let the questions roll in! :lol:


Yes, I have accomplished a goal on my New Year's Resolutions list!! I...have.....a....license! I can now drive by myself! :D :D I got it on Friday, I haven't driven by myself yet since I don't have insurance yet... :(. Oh I drove to Canada and back today XD it was freaking intense surprisingly I got used to the switch to km instantly all you gotta remember is 40 mph is 60 km/h and 60 mph is 100 km/h and you're golden... :P And I decided to give my dad the Corolla and I took his Huyndai Santa Fe, I guess 16 year olds should NOT have new cars :P anyways I'm enjoying the Huyndai a lot more.

Here is Breakdown by Seether:

Enjoy the song and hope you guys fufill your resolutions!

Happy New Year! (I know I'm late :P)

Well Happy New Year and I don't care what anyone says but I'm calling it two thousand ten, twenty ten sounds too...I don't know just strange. I got back from my vacation in Egypt and I had a pretty good time. Sadly didn't touch a single video game there but when I got back I raped my younger cousin in Modern Warfare 2 :D :D. It was my first time playing and I owned him with my new favorite weapon...the Scar. I ended up playing on his account in multiplayer and pushed him from a level 11 to level 16 in less than 2 days. So I think I'm gonna end up getting it, I realized something too, everytime I say I'm gonna rent or buy a game it never happens...FML. So I'm gonna try to get Uncharted 2 and MW2 and maybe even BFBC 2 instead if it's better than MW2. And I don't know what else I want that's coming out next year. Also...I can't believe Demon's Souls won game of the year!! I was totally expecting Uncharted 2 but I can see why it won game of the year. It's innovative and unlike any recent RPG that came out. Two years in a row a PS3 exclusive takes the crown of game of the let's see what happens this year. And I think I'll list my New Year's resolutions:

1. Lose my virginity


Here are my real resolutions

1. Get a girlfriend, enough said lol

2. Learn to play guitar, ever since around last March when I began listening to music (really freaking late though...) I've been in love with the guitar. Hopefully in the summer I'll take guitar lessons so I'm not stuck in front of my TV teabagging noobs all day long :D

3. GET MY DAMN LICENSE, I love driving and I would be even happier when I drive by myself or with my friends.

4. Get a job in the summer, what can I say, I hope to spend the next summer outside of my house as much as possible, as much as how awesome video games are, there is more to life than games.

5. Have a great year!

And I hope all of you guys have an amazing year! :)