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Pharoah__Link Blog

Ask me anything!

What the title says...just don't get too personal and ask a really dumb question like "How many members of your family died in the last year?" or anything racist... Then I will post a comment answering all of your questions.


GREAT news and ...sadly the bad news...

First I will start with the great news. I got Resistance 2 :D!! And I love it I give it a 9.5. My cousin and I played the co op on splitscreen online with 6 other people and it is the most addicting thing ever in gaming. THe single player is great too. But I didn't try the actual multiplayer yet. 

The bad study skills teacher emailed my parents and now they know about my bad grade in Writing and Research. So now I'm grounded (no video games) until I can raise my grade and prove that video games won't screw my grade up (even though they didn't...).

But it's not so bad. It sucks though the day I get Resistance 2 I get grounded but I only got to play it because we were having people over so I didn't want anyone to know about me getting grounded... But anyways you guys have a great Thanksgiving ours was awesome! 

I'm back! :)

I was gonna write a blog after election day but that didn't work out too well for one reason. My laptop's power cord was cut and everytime I tried to tape it together or even hold it together the damn thing just shocks me. Oh and I got my PS3 back on Nov 1 with the idea I was gonna buy Resistance 2 on launch day. But my dad intercepted me and prevented me from doing this. First he said that I can't buy another game till summer. But after some talking he said Christmas... So my cousin offers to buy me R2 since I bought him a game on his Bday. Since we are doing my bday on Thanksgiving because my friend's mom's turkey sucks ass doing Thanksgiving at my place is the only way to save the whole family. And last year it was a success :). So I'm getting R2 on Sunday probably. Also because my damn computer didn't work I ended up handing in a sh*tload of essays LATE!! And now I'm frieking failing Writing and Research because of this. Also along with trying to get my grade back up to a B+ I have to deal with making sure my parents don't find out a thing. That means going on my mom's email during school then getting rid of all traces of me here. Includes deleting teachers emails then deleting it permanently. Also I was pissed that Obama won. But McCain didn't really talk about the economy that much so sadly Obama might help. But hey!! Look on the bright side...WE GET FREE CASH! *BEEP* YEA BABY!! Yea I know that's not exactly how it works but still though I like to think of it that way. Oh and my mom now has a job as a Pharmacist at Haggen's the best part is that now we can easily save up money to go to Egypt next summer :D. Also I might start drivers ed next week (Thanksgiving Break) so if you can drive please give me some pointers. Something tells me I'm gonna fail well judging by how my mom drives...70 MPH on 50 MPH road as well as driving on the wrong side of the road and getting us killed (us being me and my mom) so I'm gonna stay on the safe side and have my dad teach me when I'm not at driver's ed. Anyways what I did when I got my PS3 back was download alot of demos. One caught my eye, Mirror's Edge the game is so much fun but the critics didn't like it too much though. I also tried out some RPGs (well only one) Eternal Sonata. Then I realized it's not my type seeing as how the crappy the combat is. I'll have to try out an action RPG like Fallout 3 or Oblivion. And I'm rebeating MGS4 and I'm on Act 4. And now I finally remember how amazing the experience was. And I'm rebeating Resistance  just for fun. And surprisingly a ton of people still play online. And somehow I blame/thank Divinity for this, I love sniping. So far I only snipe in MGS4 and Resistance online. MGS4, I just sit there for 30 min in a battle in South America getting headshots with my M14 semi auto sniper. In Resistance I find a good spot and get kills with my sniper. I'm acutally pretty good at it now I'm joining sniper only games. Anyways peace out :D!

Yea...I can't think up of a name for this blog -.-

Well, not much interesting has been going on since my last blog. But I just started watching Saving Private Ryan and so far it is awesome. However not on my TV since the Dday part scared the crap out of my mom and my dad just plain didn't want to watch it or see me watch it. So I'm watching it on my laptop. A few weeks ago I got Metroid Prime for GC at a GameStop for only $6.99. turned out to be a rip off. I played for 5 minutes when I got back home I died on the first level when I almost beat it then I had to restart the whole damn level so I quit. Then I had school so I couldn't even play it. The next week I played it again then the f***ing game froze on the last 5 minutes of the level!!! Now I am so sick of that level, including the terrible boss fight and the annoying first cutscene I can't skip. Oh and I hate the controls. I know them but I hate them. You can't even play the game like a normal FPS. You have to auto lock and when you can manual aim it's inverted. To me inverted = super duper g@y. The only time I would use invert is when using a helicopter in Everything or Nothing. Anyways I got an email for the Resistance 2 beta code. So I sent it to someone who did a bunch of favors for me. So I decided to give him something in return. You know who you are and if you don't know yet just look at a previous blog (the one where I was bored) or wait for his upcoming blog. Also I saw some really great movies recently. Like Forrest Gump, that movie was great. I really liked it. I would give it a 5 stars and one of the best films I have seen in a long time. Also I saw Die Hard, Die Hard with a Vengeance and Live Free or Die Hard and they are all awesome films. I haven't seen Die Hard 2 yet but I'm looking forward to. So...YIPEEKAYAY MUTHA F***ERS!! I always wanted to do that. Also I might get my PS3 on Nov 16. It is the Uncharted 160 GB Bundle. And I might buy Resistance 2 with it. So right there is enough gaming to last me till next summer :). Since I don't buy games that often. Oh and just wondering is the Bourne Ultimatium the best in the series or are the first two better. I'm asking since it's coming out on HBO Nov 22. Also my birthday is on Nov 3 the day before R2 comes out! I turn 15 even though I'm in 10th grade. If you're wondering why it's cuz I started school one year earlier in Egypt. And for once...damn YOU MCCAIN! Let me explain what happened. So I like this chick from my church, she's not that hot but looks aren't everything. And we're talking and then my idiotic friend asks if I like McCain or Obama. I say McCain then she says Obama. Then we get into an argument. We don't hate each other but it ruined my chances. Anyways may you be eternally blessed with your favorite videogames in your console and ready to show you the true meaning of fun! Wow wasn't that nerdy? PEACE :D

Well I'm bored so I'm just gonna write a blog...UPDATE!!!

Well right now I'm supposed to be typing a 10 page essay but I can't think of anything so I'm just typing this while my brain is brainstorming.'s everyone here on GS? Anything interesting happening? mom passed her final pharmacy exam and now she is gonna get an interview from Target to be a Pharmacy manager. So now we'll have extra cash to do crap. ...Wow isn't this the most boring blog you've ever read... Yea I thought so :). Wow what the hell do I write now... OBAMA SUCKS BALLS! Oh speaking of Obama this guy at my school made a joke about him but it's not that funny. Barack O-Bam-Us. If you read it a few times it will remind you of the rumors about him (hint). So Neil you got TimeShift from your Thantos for free hows the game doing? Oh I got an email for the Resistance 2 beta and I signed up for it and sent Roman a link to the website. So I might end up getting an extra code. So if I do ask me for it and I'll be sure to send it to you. I just watched a preview for Gears 2 and now you get to ride those squid things (Reapers?) so I guess that'll be a lot of fun. Yep I bet none of you guys are even reading up to this sentence...I know this is pretty freaking boring. Well...have a nice day :D.


I am currently downloading the PC demo for Quantum of Solace. If you want the link PM me. I probably won't answer you for a while since I'm pretty busy.

Top 11 Most Anticipated Games

Well this is my first countdown so I decided to just do something easy. This was originally gonna be 10 but I after redoing the list once I was just to lazy to fix it again so I made it 11 =D.

11. Little Big Planet

To be honest all I can say from the footage I have watched is, "Cool...". I am most definatly gonna rent this (once I rebuy my PS3 :P). If you actually understand what the hype is all about please tell me!

10. Fallout 3

This game looks pretty freiking awesome. Especially the VATS system. Pretty much it lets you target a certain body part and then you shoot. If you aim for the head you will see some pretty cool explosions. Also I love how creative the developers can stuff a teddy bear inside a rocket launcher and shoot it.

9. Bioshock (PS3)

BioShock looked like a great game for the 360 and the PC but now the PS3 gets it. I played the demo on the 360 (I sucked at it though) but it was pretty good.

8. God of War III

I bought the Chains of Olympus Demo for $5 and I will be very honest it was better than some of the games I played on the PSP. This game probably was in CGI at e3 but who knows.

7. James Bond: Quantum of Solace

I love James Bond. Ever since I saw 5 minutes from GoldenEye in 3rd Grade I have been a Bond fan. Not a hardcore one though. Craig's Bond is the best in my opinion. While his preformance is Bond is superior to the others Casino Royale wasn't as good as some. Still is one of the best in my opinion. However this is low on the list because of no driving missions and the fact that this is a movie game.

6. Call of Duty: World at War

I'll be very VERY honest here. I've only played Call of Duty 2. That's right and you know was the demo I downloaded on Divinity's 360. But it was a hell a lot of fun to play. I am looking forward to this next installment.

5. Brothers In Arms: Hell's Highway

Divinity you'll find this hard to believe but for me story is the most important thing. Really it's the games with the campaigns that I don't want to end that are on the top of my list. This game has a campaign like this (so far from the reviews).

4. Far Cry 2

Ok listen here a 50 hour long campaign (rumored though), free roam, FPS, multiplayer, plust the most realistic game you will ever play. You have to be an idiot to not at least be slightly interested in this game. Also this is probably what Mercenaries really is meant to be. Cuz here you really can do it your own way. For example you can take a nap so you can do a mission during nighttime. You can just run in like a crazy maniac or nice and stealthy. This game is gonna kick some serious ass. Unless Ubisoft screws up big time.

3. Gears of War 2

The first Gears of War was kickass. I loved it. To be honest the Lancer (that gun Marcus is holding) has to be one of the coolest weapons and could top one or two of Resistance's weapons. Despite the fact I don't have a 360, Divinity you better get this or if I visit you without this game your ass is gonna be sore for 2 weeks. But I'm sure you'll get it :lol:!

2. Killzone 2

I know (from what I've heard) the first game sucked. But this looks like a HUGE improvment. The graphics, the AI, and the new cover system looks pretty good. Recently they finally showed off the multiplayer and it looks great. This is a game I am definatly looking forward to adding to my game library.

And last and the best *drum roll*

1. Resistance 2

The first game was amazing. But I was disappointed by the poor character development. However all those problems seem to be fixed. Really what makes me excited is just that I want to see what's gonna happen next. I read about the actual Resistance storyline and it is AWESOME. The multiplayer looks great. Don't watch the beta footage though it actually brought my hopes down. But the new footage brought them back up. A huge campaign, 8 player co-op with a seperate campaign, plus 60 players online with over 70 new multiplayer maps. This is a great value. Click on this link to go to this guy's profile who has a bunch of R2 videos on his profile: If you have a PS3 and want updates on upcoming games then you have to subscribe to this dude. I did and I'm glad I did. Anyways comment and tell me what game you are most hyped up for.

Long time no...blogging?

Well it's been a long time since the last time I posted a blog. Anyways I am so bored. Yesterday I tried to play some Logan's Shadow online and I justcouldn't play it. After playing all these great online games like Gears of War, Resistance:FOM, MGO, and even Halo 3 I just can't go back to Logan's Shadow. Also tried playing Everything or Nothing it just felt awkward not fun. These are probably signs of me missing my PS3. So I might sell my PSP and GameCube next summer. But if Resistance Retribution for PSP is good then I might change my mind. Most stores have stopped selling the MGS4 bundle so I'm kinda out of luck. Since the new 80 GB doesn't play PS2 games. But luckily still sells them. I heard that Mercs 2 and Force Unleashed were dissappointing which really sucks. Also right when I return my PS3 all these demos come out, Mercs 2 demo, Force Unleashed Demo, and Fracture. We usually get demos way after the games come out but I guess not now :D. Also I wasted 4 bucks on that stupid Qore Episode since I didn't even watch it and I won't be able to play the Resistance 2 public beta. (wow I'm obsessed with R2). Anyways how are you guys doing? My mom is taking an exam for Pharmacy law so I hope she passes. She used to be a pharmacist in Egypt and she's been studying for over 6 years. Anyways I'll try to post more blogs if I have the time. Have a great day guys.

And I just reviewed Metal Gear Online read it if you feel like it :D. I may be a bit rusty though since I haven't reviewed any games for a very long time. I might even repost my Halo 3 review soon (notice I said might).

School so far and more.

Well for now school isn't so bad. My math teacher which was supposedly the worst teacher ever isn't as bad as everyone says but that's probably due to the fact that my class has like 15 people in it. Biology is actually pretty cool since my teacher for that class actually doesn't hate her students and makes the class not as boring. None of you probably know this but I used to play the Violin and was in Orchestra and it sucked balls. Now that I quit school is SO much better :). History is terrible. There's only few hot girls in the class and most of them are way on the other side of the class or the hottest one is sitting behind me :cry:! So now I have to go through the longest 45 minutes of the day 5 times a week. I actually found some really good bundles for PS3s on but the bundles all use the new 80 GB which doesn't play PS2 games. But do any of you guys think it's really that important to play PS2 games on PS3 (remember I don't have a PS2)? Also a few bundles let you choose 2 games and save like $10 and they have Uncharted, CoD4, ,Bad Company(I replayed the demo on Divinity's 360 and enjoyed it alot), WarHawk all in a huge list of games. So I really can't choose any. There's also another bundle which is much cheaper and lets you choose one game and and on the list is GTA IV so I'm definitly choosing that. They have the MGS4 bundle but I already have the game so if it really is important that I could play PS2 games then I might get that if it isn't then I won't do it. Anyways thanks guys and I hope you make it through this school year.

Time is running out...

Summer is almost over and this Tuesday I'm going to school. This year will probably be my last year since my mom wants me to do this thing where I go to a community college for the last 2 years of school (11th and 12th grade) and by doing that I get to skip years of college. I'm only doing it so that I get to skip 2 years of college and it will give me a better reason why I need a car for next year :D. But next year one of my best friends is leaving to go to a public school. But thankfully I live right across the street from his school so I can just hang out with him after school. I also will get possibly the worth teacher in the entire school for math. And my parents are pissing me off since they now want me to get a 3.8 GPA in school. I did get a 3.47 which helped me get a PS3 (I MISS YOU :cry:!!). But the time spent trying to get that 3.47 was miserable for me. And that will probably mean absolutly no video games for a long time. And also I heard in 10th grade you get a sh!tload of essays. And I don't do that good on essays. Anyways if you want to tell me which grade you're going to or which year college your're in. I hope I have a good year at school and I hope you guys do to! I'm excited for school for 2 reasons...

1. Any guy would agree with me here...girls. I barely saw any girls from my school and I'm excited to go back to passing time in history :lol:.

2. Friends. I barely saw any friends since I hung out with Divinity Skate for 5 weeks and I went on a bunch of vacations. So I'm excited to see them again.

3. I just put this one in. See the coolest nerd ever... This guy is no ordinary nerd. This guy is afraid of girls no those mushrooms you had did not hallucinate you. He IS afraid of girls. He says words like hell, damn, and CRAP are bad words. And the weird thing is he has a hot sister who was very popular. No I'm not his friend. I just like seeing him freak out during classes when a girl sits next to him :D.

No PS3 till November?

So I returned my 40 GB PS3 hoping I would find the 80 GB bundle at a different store. But it turns out that store doesn't have it. Oh and the assistant manager at Walmart made a copy of my dad's credit card while we were returning the PS3 and he got so pissed and called over the manager. It was so damn funny :lol:! Anyways my aunt works at a store called Fred Meyer so she gets discounts off electronics. So we go to Fred Meyer hoping to find the 80 GB bundle. It's not there so she tells us she'll buy it for me and I could pay her back. So I agree to that. Then suddenly the next day on GameSpot I hear about the new 160 GB PS3. And I obviously go crazy and I'm like "HOLY CRAP SCREW THE 80GB!!" But I'm not sure if...

1. I'll be able to survive 2 months without my PS3.

2. The 160 GB can play PS2 games.

I really don't know it looks like a really good deal for me but if I can't get PS2 games then screw it. PS2 has alot of games I really wanna play like Killzone 1, Battlefront 2, Half-Life 1, Freedom Fighters (even though it's on GameCube), the MGS trilogy, GTA San Andreas and SOCOM 3. Or should I just get an 80 gb PS3 with MGS4 (even though I already have the game)? Also how much could I sell an unopened copy of MGS4 at GameStop for? I know I'm asking an assload of questions but thanks anyways.

God I miss my PS3 :cry:!!