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Pharoah__Link Blog

Fanboys and the Console Wars...

Here is another thing that pisses me off...fanboys. Even Sony fanboys can piss me off sometimes even though I have a PS3 and I love it. X360 fanboys piss me off way more mostly since they don't have facts and they stick to Halo as if the game is their guardian angel. But sometimes PS3 fanboys depend on MGS4 too much. Don't get me wrong MGS4 is the best game I've played so far. But not the best game ever released (could be for now). Thing is I am so sick of fanboys. People saying HALO FTW or MGS4 4 LIFE!!. And especially comments like "In Halo you play as a homo with a gay looking sword" or "In MGS4 you play as an old guy who sneaks around as a p*$$y and when he kills someone he does it without anyone knowing." Well some people say the Wii should be included in the console wars and some say it shouldn't but...all the Wii has is Mario and Mario needs to learn a few more tricks or so before Nintendo screws up it's new console and their mascot. Also if you like a system you play it. If you don't like a system stop insulting the people who like that system and just play your own. I wonder how hard that is, for me it's easy. Also I am really disappointed from all these gamers you guys are having lot's of fun and and you just can't keep your mouths shut about other systems. Fanboys most likley haven't even played the system that they're insulting. Even my friends in school are like PS3 sucks just because it doesn't have Halo. Well have you played the system NO!!. People who insult 360 they probably played Halo and have named it Gaylo since their pissed that they don't even own the system. I'm not saying all gamers are like this but I just wanted to get this off my chest. Anyways have fun with your systems and don't diss systems you haven't even played :D.

About p*$$y I posted the word with it's original spelling and GS automatically censored it.

I just beat MGS4!!

I finally did what I thought would take months in a week. MGS4 was not as long I expected. I heard the game was going to be 30hrs long and 10 of them were cutscenes. But it was a rumor, I beat the game in 19 hours and 28 min. But it's still alot longer than most games being released. But for me since I had so much fun playing this game it felt WAAAAY too short. The ending of the game I hoped it would show something that did not happen. And if you wanna know what it is I'll have to PM you since I don't want to spoil it. After finishing MGS4 I finally realized that the Metal Gear series could never be made into movies for one reason. Length. Yea the movies would be really good but by the time the movie is halfway done, people's asses would be very very sore. MGS fanatics (even one like Roman_Irishman) would be falling asleep. And would have to require a 15 minute break when each quarter of the movie is done since they would be that long. Movie producers could take out some content or shorten the cutscenes but it wouldn't be as good. It would have to take someone even more talented than Hideo Kojima to tell the story properly and not make the film over 5 hrs long. That being said my review will be posted in a couple of weeks and after that my review of MGO will be posted. Anyways if any of you guys who just finished MGS4 message me to play some MGO. MGO is not as fun as Resistance online :( but since noone ever goes on Resistance anymore I guess I'm stuck with MGO. It gets better with more experience though. I might replay MGS4 in a couple of weeks on Solid Normal. But it really is the best game I have ever played. And by the time the last cutscene was over I saluted my TV and I may have looked like an idiot while doing it but I don't give a crap. I couldn't resist. So now I'm gonna go back to playing Resistance (single player) or wait till my cousin (DivinitySkate) shows up and beat the game on co-op. If you're wondering if you should buy a PS3 just for MGS4 my answer is yes. When I got my PS3 all I had was Resistance and I thought that it was worth the money I paid for it. If Resistance is worth that much then MGS4 definitly is.

Watch these videos if you are bored. - Halo fanboys are gullible... - Halo theatrical (fake) - Gears of War Movie trailer (fake) - Resistance: Fall of Man movie trailer (fake) - Assassin's Creed Movie trailer (fake) - Achmed the Dead Terrorist (WATCH THIS FIRST!!!) - Achmed the Dead Terrorist's "Jingle Bombs" (Muslim version of "Jingle Bells")

Here are the lyrics for "Jingle Bombs":

Dashing through the sand
with a bomb strapped to my back.
I have a nasty plan
for Christmas in Iraq.
I got through checkpoint A,
but not through checkpoint B.
That's when I got shot in the ass
by the US Military...

[it's not funny!]

Oooh, jingle bombs, jingle bombs
Mine blew up you see.
Where are all the virgins
that Bin Laden promised me?
Oooh, jingle bombs, jingle bombs
U.S. soldiers shot me dead.
The only thing that I have left
is this towel up on my head.

I used to be a man,
but every time I cough,
thanks to Uncle Sam,
my nuts keep falling off.
My bombing days are done.
I need to find some work.
Perhaps it would be much safer
as a convenient store night clerk.

Oooh, jingle bombs, jingle bombs
I think I got screwed.
Don't laugh at me because I'm dead
or I'll kill you...


Resistance review.

Well I posted a review for Resistance: Fall of Man. I will be writing a review for my favorite game of all time..Metal Gear Solid 4, probably in a couple more weeks once I play MGO more often. Since right now MGO is good, 8.0 quality good.

Surprise!...JUST GOT MGS4!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

MGS4 so far is a great game. Right now I would give it a 9.5 since the control scheme is a bit confusing other than that it is one of the best games I have ever played. But I have a question WHO THE HELL ARE THE PATRIOTS?!? Anyways I have to pause the game and read the manual like every 5 mins which gets a bit annoying. But the score WILL change for sure. And hopefuly it goes up :D. I haven't tried MGO yet. If it helps me get used to the controls then I will have to try it out. Anyways the only thing that disappoints me about the game is the confusing controls but I as I played the game they get easier and easier.

MGS4 and more

Well GameTrailers just reviewed the game and gave it a 9.3 out of 10. They complained that the controls were too precise and complicated. Some cutscenes are just too long and some of them are not very enjoyable. Also the story recieved a score of 8.7...what the hell? and Halo 3 had a better story?! my ass...(I'm sure Halo 3 is still an awesome game so no offense Halo fans!) They did not say ANYTHING about the multiplayer in the game. So I have a bad feeling that you have to seperatly buy MGS4 online or MGO. Anyways about the controls read the stinking manual and play the first level many times to get used to it. Long cutscenes? SUCK IT UP!! Anyways I am glad that they actually were able to tell us what is wrong with the game so I wouldn't be expecting a perfect game and run into one of these small flaws and just start screaming. They were probably just too hyped for the game so the rating was a bit low. Still I am dissappointed it was not a very good review no reference what so ever about the multiplayer and they even spoiled parts of the game without even warning. IF YOU DO NOT WANT ANY SPOILERS THEN STOP READING. It's not a major spoiler though.

Here are one of the SPOILERS: So Liquid Ocelot is saying "I never thought it would be so easy" and I see this woman wearing a hood. I pause and I look at the screen and I see Naomi Hunter. Yea I know she was the b1tch who infected Snake with FOXDIE but I had no idea she worked with Liquid. Another one: The reviewer says you get to revisit old locations so we get to go to Shadow Moses again and some things there are still alive. Meaning there is probably another Metal Gear there.

Also I am VERY excited for Resistance 2. 64 online multiplayer is gonna be better than it sounds. Pretty much each team is divided up into squads. And each squad has a rival squad on a different team. They are rivals since they have the same objective. So say you get killed you respawn either with your squad or near the rival squad so you always keep moving. Also this will require team work and communication so for once you actually might nead a headset. Also there will be two campaigns the single player campaign and an online campaign that will have up to 8 players. I know for sure this game will be amazing since the first game ruled. And I am trying my hardest to not be hyped up for the game (especially MGS4) since for me hype always ruins the experience.

Killzone 2 well I am sort of excited so far all I've seen were amazing graphics and the enemies look like they've had a little too much booze well not all of them just some of them. Also they've been only showing footage of one weapon and no multiplayer previews yet. But looks like an 8.0 game.

5 more things you don't know about me

Ok first here are the people I'm tagging. S-Gameboy, Ishoturface, Blazevoir, and AbyssD.

1. I think Obama is the antiChrist. If you do not know who/what the antiChrist is. It's pretty much the devil's version of Jesus. And that is what Obama is... As for Clinton well...we'll just say that one Clinton in the White House is more than enough.

2. I don't listen to music very much. I like music just don't listen to it very much.

3. 3 of my favorite hobbies: hanging with friends, gaming and tv. If you want a number 4 (stalker...) it would be watching my school's football team kick (or tackel I guess...) other team's @$$es.

4. I am begining to actually like the Wii (just Medal of Honor Heroes 2, only game that uses the Wii controls wisly)

5. JUST GOT 15 KILLS IN RESISTANCE ONLINE AND 10TH PLACE IN A 40 PLAYER TDM!! Not kidding... (couldn't think of a number 5)

School's out and a little surprise =) *cough* PS3

If you guessed I got a PS3 you are CORRECT! I decided that I'm probably not gonna use up 80 GB of memory if I get the bundle. Also there was a deal at WalMart and they gave me a free $100 gift card when I bought my 40 GB. About the memory it doesn't really matter I can always buy a memory card if I need it. I can't play PS2 games!? Well my friend has a PS2. WHAT ABOUT MGS4!!!???? :o Well I'll use the remaining money on the gift card and buy it :). PSP connectivity....don't care. However I have 3 months to return it. If I do find the bundle I will return the PS3 and buy the bundle instead (if I didn't buy MGS4 yet) but there is a low chance I will do that. So what game did I get? I got Resistance Fall of Man and IT IS SO FKING AWESOME!!!!!!!! The online is sweet and I suck at it :cry: not bad for my first day though. Anyways I am still waiting for next week to get MGS4, and if I still have some cash MAYBE CoD4 Game of the Year Edition. Ok...MAYBE. Anyways I love my PS3, Resistance + YouTube + free demos + MGS4 + crap load of games = perfection :D If anyof you guys happen to own a PS3 besides Roman obviously add me. Roman rent Resistance it is awesome!! I would have to give it a 9.0 out of 10 the score will go up though.

ONE MORE DAY OF EXAMS!!!! =D and more stuff...

So tommorow I am gonna have to take my WA state History Exam and Algebra. Then I come back home and pre order a PS3 :) can't wait. And here is a cool video I found on YouTube and make sure you subscribe to the guy. --MGS Movie trailer (fake) This is probably one of the only good MGS fan made trailers on youtube the rest suck. subscribe to the guy too he is very good at making fake movie trailers.

Guess what?...I'M GETTING A PS3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! =D!!!!!!!!

That's right!! I'm finally getting a PS3 after 9 weeks of working(and studying) my Egyptian @$$ off!!!!!!! I didn't exactly get the 3.5 requirement since my history teacher had to be a dumb@$$ and lose one of my assignments thus giving me a zero on it. However if I do bad on my exams I might post up a blog saying that I'm not getting a PS3 since my parents will be pretty pissed off... Anyways thanks Roman for praying for me I really appreciated it. Anyways here are the games I plan on getting: Metal Gear Solid 4, Resistance: Fall of Man (I would get Call of Duty 4 but I need to play Resistance so I can understand the story line and get resistance 2), Battlefield: Bad Company (if it gets good reviews), and if Battlefield: Bad Company gets bad reviews then its Call of Duty 4.

Just for the heck of it I put up the MGS4 timer Silverman put up Get this widget!