Here is another thing that pisses me off...fanboys. Even Sony fanboys can piss me off sometimes even though I have a PS3 and I love it. X360 fanboys piss me off way more mostly since they don't have facts and they stick to Halo as if the game is their guardian angel. But sometimes PS3 fanboys depend on MGS4 too much. Don't get me wrong MGS4 is the best game I've played so far. But not the best game ever released (could be for now). Thing is I am so sick of fanboys. People saying HALO FTW or MGS4 4 LIFE!!. And especially comments like "In Halo you play as a homo with a gay looking sword" or "In MGS4 you play as an old guy who sneaks around as a p*$$y and when he kills someone he does it without anyone knowing." Well some people say the Wii should be included in the console wars and some say it shouldn't but...all the Wii has is Mario and Mario needs to learn a few more tricks or so before Nintendo screws up it's new console and their mascot. Also if you like a system you play it. If you don't like a system stop insulting the people who like that system and just play your own. I wonder how hard that is, for me it's easy. Also I am really disappointed from all these gamers you guys are having lot's of fun and and you just can't keep your mouths shut about other systems. Fanboys most likley haven't even played the system that they're insulting. Even my friends in school are like PS3 sucks just because it doesn't have Halo. Well have you played the system NO!!. People who insult 360 they probably played Halo and have named it Gaylo since their pissed that they don't even own the system. I'm not saying all gamers are like this but I just wanted to get this off my chest. Anyways have fun with your systems and don't diss systems you haven't even played :D.
About p*$$y I posted the word with it's original spelling and GS automatically censored it.
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