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Pharoah__Link Blog

Metal Gear Solid 4 Interview and some other cool stuff :) (Updated April 12)

So I just watched this video on YouTube and this dude from Kojima was being interviewed by GameTrailers. And he said that this will be the last time Solid Snake will be in a game (not last MGS). And there will be hours and hours of cinematics. And that the sound is uncompressed (don't know what that means) and they used Blu-Ray for the graphics. I can't wait for this game. And here is the video ENJOY!! And for the other cool stuff...there will be a Halo movie! It will not be based on Combat Evolved (1st game) it will be based on the book Halo: Fall of Reach which is a prequel to th 1st game. And you should read it it is one hell of a book. So the movies will go like this Halo: Fall of Reach, Halo: Rise of the Flood (1st game, yea I know title isn't that good), and Halo: Battle for Earth (3rd game, the title sucks...) So they left out the 2nd game which is pretty stupid :(. Because the 2nd one is pretty important like the Covenant Elites joining Earth and all that. But if Pete Jackson directs it, for sure we are looking at a quality movie. So feel free to comment!


Here is the official MGS4: Guns of the Patriots cover. Most of you have seen this but to tell the truth I have not seen a video game character who has had so much detail put into his face. Like if you look at it you obviously see the wrinkles. But look even closer and you see all the detail on Snake's face that makes him look totally real. Wow the graphics in this game are just simply amazing.

What is the Metal Gear Franchise about??

Well I don't think I have said this before but...once I see a game that looks cool I suddenly become obsessed with it. And most recently was Metal Gear Solid series. So in the summer I plan on buying a PS3 bundle that includes MGS4. And I have one problem besides the fact that I need over $100 to get the bundle. WHAT IS METAL GEAR SOLID ABOUT?!?! Yea, I know the basics like some badass named Snake tries to destroy this thing called Metal Gear. Like what is the storyline. I would buy The Twin Snakes (port of PS1 original) but people are selling it for over $150! and the game was released in like 2004. Anyways all comments are welcome! And I hope you like my Bush pic above :D

Check this out...

I can't wait for this game. I am definitly gonna get this in a bundle once the game is released. Again if you think I should not get a PS3 please comment bellow.

List of games I am planning to get for PS3 (if I get one)

Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots

Uncharted Drake's Fortune

Unreal Tournament III

The Orange Box

Grand Theft Auto IV

Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare

Heavenly Sword (or maybe a rent because of very short campaign)

Resistance Fall of Man (maybe)

Splinter Cell Double Agent (maybe)

And I can keep going for a while :). Anyways for me to fill up my rather large wish list that should take about a year and a half. No, they're not in order from #1 MUST HAVE and the last one "not so sure". If I did order them CoD4 would be #1.

PS. I have an old and sh**y game by the name of "Spyro: Enter the DragonFly" and I am gonna blow this game up on Independence Day. So please guys give me some tips and I might even upload a video of it on GameSpot AND YouTube.

I made my descision

Well I finally decided I will get a PS3. I will wait until the summer though so if you think I am making a stupid descision then feel free to comment or PM me why. Anyways what finalized my descision was this: this is a fair comparison between the 360 and PS3. Anyways thanks everyone of helping me make my descision. And Roman_Irishman...this summer prepare to get your ass whooped on Call of Duty 4 nah I'm just kidding :). Anyways if you do have a PS3 please tell me what game I should get on it. And before you post I am not interested in Final Fantasy or Devil May Cry it looks cool but probably not my type of game or any other anime related games. Anyways thank you guys and EndtheFight from YouTube who made this video. Again if you feel that I am making a bad choice feel free to tell me why! Oh and if you know any good PS3 bundles lower than $500 please tell me.

PS3 or XBox 360?

Well I'm stuck with a GameCube and a PSP. PSP is great but I'm the only one in my grade that even knows what Syphon Filter is and I love S.F online! Anyways I really need to get a new system by summer time. Since PS3 is only like $399 which is a bargain I might get it.


Free online (I think), HD, No ring of death, lot's of good games, cheaper price than when first released, can go online with wireless connection.


No Halo, $399 is still too much, not very much people own it, I might be officially labled as a "Spoiled Brat" even though I'm paying for it...(not saying that those who have a PS3 are spoiled, just that I will be one of the only people in my school to own one)


Halo :), HD, a ton of awesome games, lots of friends own one, $350 is a good price.


Ring of death, you have to pay for online gaming, overheat, cannot go online with wireless connection, all good games are M (not nesesarily a bad thing but if everyone in my family finds out my parents will be critized for allowing me to play "innappropiate games".

Well that's it. Please do NOT tell me to get a Wii because if you do I will hunt you down and b****slap you personally,...JK :D. So please tell me your opinions and hopefully by summer I will make the right choice.

3 Things that piss me off

Well Edpeterson started this so I thought I'd tag myself for no reason :lol:

1. Syphon Filter LS online noobs: This is probably the main reason why I am seriously considering throwing my PSP in the garbage. No I don't mean the R0s they come in all shapes and ranks. Like that 01 who still uses auto aim. And that R1 who literally got married his f***ing Over Under Grenade Launcher. Or that retard who kicks you out of the game for no ##%#UI@#$%IU#%OI@ REASON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Or the people who quit right when a game starts so it could be unranked :x No wonder why gamespot gave this an 8.5 the games are fun but these retards are messing everything up.

2. Hilary Clinton...I swear she is the anti-Christ or in other words the devil:twisted: has taken human form in a woman (Hilary Clinton). I swear if she becomes president I am gonna go crazy or most likly some f***ing terrorist is gonna shake her hands and them blow himself up! And everyone is gonna blame me since I'm egyptian and the people at my school seriously thing Osama Bin Laden is my uncle!!! I mean WHAT THE F*** IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE!!! Okay I made all of that crap up...except this guy really thought my mom had those dot things on her head and that Osama BinLaden was my uncle. Also the MAIN reason why I am pissed is that if she wins...omg I can't bare to say these words :? (currently a rumor) NO MORE MATURE GAMES!!!!!!!:cry:

3. The you know how many Americans were ripped off by this lousy piece of s**t. I mean the gamecube's graphics literally tops the Wii's graphics. The controls suck balls. The only good game from the Wii is brawl and you know why? Because it uses a GameCube controller :! What Nintendo should have done? Made a GameCube 2. Same as gamecube except plays DvDs, plays in HiDef and online multiplayer.

Well I'm not gonna tag anyone if you do feel like typing out a "3 things that piss me off" blog go ahead

5 things you may not know about me

I got tagged and according to edpeterson if I don't do this I'm dead (yes I know it's not true).

1. I'm an only child.

2. Since I moved to America (2000) I did not play video games untill 2004.

3. My 2 favorite restaurants are Subway and Jack-in-the-Box

4. I played Doom or Doom 2 when I was six :) and I swear I'm not kidding.

5. I am 14 years old.

And I tag:






Heath Ledger dead, Alex Navarro leaves....great... (sarcastic)

Wow what a crappy way to start the year an awesome 28 year old actor dies and he played as the Joker in the Dark Knight and did one hell of a preformance, GameSpot's best reviewer leaves....this sucks!! But still lots of cool stuff is coming this year Iron Man, Dark Knight, Quantum of Solace (Bond 22 official name). the heck is Brittney Speares alive and Heath Ledger dead!?!?! SHE WAS ON DRUGS!!! Heath had an extra sleeping pill!!!!!!!! See ya soon I'll be writing another blog on me blowing up Spyro Enter the DragonFly on July 4th