All this quick resume talk, trying to compare to ps5 ui boot to game time. Don't forget, quick resume only works the second time you load the game.
Phazevariance's forum posts
We are also playing on LCDs, and I don't give a shit how much money you spent on your television or what special features it has, the reality is all digital displays operate on a frame buffer. This means that at 60fps, you'll have a single image up on your screen for 16.6ms before that frame buffer has enough data to instantaneously switch every pixel to the next frame, where it'll again hold that image for another 16.6ms. The result of this is a noticeable amount of blur as images move across the screen. As you can imagine this effect gets noticeably worse the lower the frame rates you go, and better the higher you go.
The GPU works with a frame buffer, the monitor just scans out the redraw/update of the pixels row by row, line by line. VRR works to prevent screen tearing without locking the GPU into a defined scan window time allowing the buffer to scan to screen when it's ready. The result is faster smooth screen transition when the GPU isn't overloaded and less refresh but still smooth transition when the GPU is overloaded. Not sure why you've ignored that technology in the above statement but there is no added blur to that image. Especially on an OLED where the pixel transition is nearly instant further reducing blur.
I've hit my PS5 limit already, deleted some games, moved PS4 titles to external USB drive, and once they enable the expansion port then I can expand it if I want later on.
Feels like we'v been in a game drought lately - maybe it's jus tme and the games i tend to play, but there's been almost nothing for months.
I think we are all waiting for DF PS5 vs XSX & PS4 vs Xbox One. Isn't that right @Zero_epyon?
haha yeah. I don't expect much since it's going to be the pro and One X versions running on the PS5 and Series X. It's probably going to go to the X unless they have unlocked res and frameworks built in.
Don't you guys understand how games are made? Especially since CDPR loves to base their games on PC, they have scaling settings for each effect. The 'next gen' patches for PS5 and XsX are going to have those settings turned up and then they'll spend time testing it to make sure its problem free, and optimize in places it's not. This includes resolution and FPS increases. They don't just make a new game from the ground up for every set of hardware.
The game has a day 1 patch coming out, so I expect that will take care of a lot of the glitches/bugs that early reviewers were seeing.
I wonder why they have the ps5/SeX updates coming out next year. With the amount of bugs reviewers are posting, this almost sounds like it needed another 4 months to bake but I guess that would have hurt their reputation a bit.
So - Do i get PC version on a 7700k with GTX 1070 or the PS5 version? My PC is meh, and PS5 version won't be top notch until next year.
I've had a LOT of problems with JoyCon drifting. My Pro controller has it, and i have to send it in to get repaired, and i've had 3 sets of cons get it, which i ordered replacement parts from amazon and just replaced the sticks myself. Sadly, the pro controller sticks are soldered onto the controller board.
I've played countless hours on my PS4 and never had this issue though. I'm confident my PS5 controller will endure.
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