I would like a blend of both.... take the BotW game world/ mechanics/ mobility, add in about 3 more dungeons. Give each dungeon a specialized item to use throughout the world, and you have a perfect Zelda game.
While I think BotW may be my favorite in the series... I felt it lacked in the gadgets, and discovery within the dungeons you typically find in Zelda games.
All that being said, Hyrule Castle was dope, give me more of that.
Ya I feel about the same as this. I like having the weapon breakage, shields, bows, etc, and the variety of enemies (which could be expanded a bit). I would like more dungeons, and perhaps some permanent weapons with specific skills. They can't be strong weapons that a player would chose as their always weapon, but have specific abilities for things aside from killing enemies.
Dungeons need to go more towards the old style with keys and stuff. Keep the shrine layout.
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