@nonlinear314 Yes, I did. I paid top dollar for this game because I loved DIablo 1 and 2. I officially started to have my doubts when I got this game at Midnight for the midnight release Blizzard heavily promoted....and couldn't play the game the next day until 6:00 PM because they chose to not have everything up and running properly that day......I further lost interest when I would get the Error 37 non stop when I tried to play single player. 60 bucks is not a huge loss on my end, because I don't randomly piss my money away. And Hey, I will wait, because eventually someone will crack this game and I'll put on my pirate hat and sail the seven seas of the internet. Remember hen Ubisoft tried using DRM for their Assassins Creed games? Yeah, about a week later someone cracked their games and took away the need for DRM. ;-)
I think it would be awesome if a group of hackers shut down Blizzard and their online service just for like....a month. Like I would pay top dollar to see Hackers pull another PSN when it comes to Blizzard. That way I can enjoy reading and laughing at all the dumbasses who "dont have a problem" with DRM and watch as they change their tune and rage because they can't play any of their games Single Player mode because they need an online connection and it just creates the snowball effect where everyone cries and then Blizzard will probably think about thinking about "Hmm....Maybe DRM isn't good....we experienced a big attack like Sony did and we are actually losing costumers because of this...." I could piss and moan about DRM and this Game that is a dumbed down, mindless hack and slash that is nowhere near the greatness known as Diablo II...but it is just beating a stick with a dead horse. I actually uninstalled this game a few days ago. Just can't support this company anymore. We literally gave them Millions and Millions of dollars, and they force bullshit like this onto their consumers. **** Blizzard. I'll just wait for Skidrow to crack this game and play on cracked servers, because that is what I do when Game Companies are douchebags.
@nonlinear314 LOl....So you give Blizzard ALL of your personal info? Full Name, Address, City, State, Credit Card Number? (if you play MMOs...or just use it to buy dumb shit off of their website) Im sorry but...that is just dumb. I hope you atleast give them false information when filling that crap out just to cover your own ass.
@nonlinear314 There is actually a patch out made by a 3rd party source that actually allows you to play the game offline. It can be done, Blizzard just chooses not to do it because they just want everyones money and they want to force as much BS on the consumer as possible. Which is fine by me, They just wont be seeing anymore of my money because DRM sucks dick and they can take Battle.net and shove it up their arses.
@SirNormanislost You actually don't need Steam to play games online. You can use Cracked Servers if you really want to. You also don't need steam to play single player games ether, They give you the option too activate the game on steam, but you don't really have too. (Something Blizzard should have done) and why bring up consoles on a article about a PC Game?
To further fuel the fire, Nintendo isn't going anywhere, anytime soon. An Inferior piece of crap outsold both the 360 and the PS3 this generation. Nintendo has been around 20+ years and have far more experience in this market over Sony and Microsoft. Nintendo literally has Millions and Millions of dollars. Nintendo isn't going anywhere, anytime soon.
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