@Melchioruss My beef with Tom, is him going out of his way to say this guy and his game company are exploiting servicemen while making his whole argument worthless when he complained about lack of realism in Military Shooters and even went on to say he personally hasn't even played this game or any other military FPS for that matter....so the real question is, why was he even doing this interview? He should have been complaining about companies like Activision pumping out yearly releases of CoD, That games extreme lack of realism and charging the consumers 15 bucks for map packs or 50 dollars for a membership to get the full benefits of playing a military shooter, all, while making their profits by glorifying war and pretty much exploiting the military in general to make money off of mainly pre-teens and teenagers.
I wish Gamespot would just fire McShea. Here he is, pretty much saying these people are trying to glorify war and such....but goes on to complain about lack of realism to just this guy, who just happens to not be a Call of Duty creator, while making his beef null and void in the process.
1. I served with the Army for about 6 years, I have two years left and then I'm done for good or until something terrible happens that requires me to go back. War is not fun, Its not meant to be glorified. The best game to even use that as its message was Metal Gear Solid. Look at Call of Duty, those games glorify war and the death and the carnage that come with the job and is nowhere near being realistic. This interview would have had some merit to it if Tom was interviewing the creators of CoD because honestly, when it comes to the whole Military FPS, CoD is pretty much the flagship title of that genre for this generation and the biggest offender of having unrealistic gameplay, while exploiting what servicemen do for their country just to sell games because War is fun apparently, where MoH is just getting ready to put out its second game, after a long hiatus from the PS1/PS2 days. Sooo, there is a reason This jackass wasn't doing this interview with the CoD creators....because they would just pull their advertising and such from Gamespot and leave them in the dirt.
2. Tom, if you were really trying to defend the servicemen, you would be up this guys ass saying studios like his and Activision shouldn't be making these games in general, which are also mainly directed towards 13 year olds and up, and getting them to play violent games while showing them "Hehehehe! Look! War is fun in video games!" while giving them the idea that maybe they should actually join the army or marine corps in the future (because lets face it, a lot of little kids can be found playing CoD online and even then, some of them end up wanting to join the Military in general after playing these games) and even then, His beef with this guy and these kinda games in general and exploiting servicemen went out the window when he complained about lack of realism in games. You want realism Tom? Be a man like me or any other Gamespot user that happens to serve in the Military and actually sign up. Thats as real as it can get for you champ. If not, stop trying to speak for us on our behalf, because you've never picked up a Gun that wasn't 3D or have had people trying to shoot and kill you or your friends.
3. Tom, you are nothing more then a tool for the corporation known as Gamespot and the Game Developers that give you jerkoffs games to review and they pay you to give them a good review or they threaten this site with pulling their advertisements and future games. Gamespot became a joke when one reviewer lost his job because he gave his honest opinion on a game that this website hyped up pretty damn high a low score and refused to change it. This was proven when Greg asked Tom if he even played the single player mode and Tom became quiet and said "...well...no but--" before Greg cut him off and even pointed out the hardcore mode for those who wanted a more realistic approach to this game
4. You suck at playing Zelda and I hope you get hit by a truck carry copies of Black Ops 2.
@morphinapg not to rain on your parade but....If you go on the PSN store and look at the PS3 games you can download, most of then are between 10-15 gigs....not 50. Blu Ray disc can hold up to 5060 gigs of memory, but half of the games on the PS3 don't take up or use all of that disc space.
How many of those sales were from people buying more then one 360 though? How many Live Subscriptions are actually active, Thats just like Blizzard saying "WoW has 12 million subscriptions" but then not telling you how many of those 12 million are actually active or how many of those accounts belong to one player....Im not trying to be a dick, Just pointing out the obvious.
No Doubt sucks. They obviously didn't actually look at their contract and more then like had one of their managers/lawyers look at it for them. and Im sorry but...did they not get paid for each copy of said game that was sold? Yup. Money Hungry musicians who are no longer relevant. I hate Activision just as much as the next gamer but, its clearly obvious This is No Doubts fault for not fully looking over the contract when they signed their likeness over.
Yes, Console Developers should totally lower the cost of Next Gen Consoles, not see any profit from it at all for about two years....Smart move indeed......Hey.....How much is Sleeping Dogs going to cost? Oh yeah....60 dollars. Don't preach bullshit if you aren't going to follow suit.
Philly1UPer's comments