"Our focus is to talk about what it can do for gameplay and how it can revolutionize entertainment, rather than focus on tech specs."
Sorry but....They say they want to focus on gameplay and entertainment and less on tech specs....but yet they are pushing this U controller...which is pretty much a peice of tech like no tomorrow. If they aren't going to try and atleast make games with both mind blowing graphics and great gameplay I simply will not purchase a Wii U, which is sad because I was actually looking forward to seeing what they would do with Metroid and Zelda. I will just wait a year or two after they release The U and see what they are offering.
What is up with Gamespot deleting peoples comments? Not trying to be THAT guy but, I've seen a few comments on this particular article, that were not in anyway racist, vulgar and actually well written that did not share this reviews opinion about this game being a 10 out of 10.
I actually had one of my comments taken down by gamespot because I didnt agree with Tom McShea and his views on the military and military games, even though I pointed out I served in the military for 6 years and have more of a valid opinion then him.
@gurkagunner Actually, Call of Duty copied Medal of Honor...seeing how that was one of the first FPS that focused on the US Military and World War II back in the PS1 days in 1999. CoD duty did not come out until 2003 on the PC.
@nyran125 But...Tom said in this interview that he didn't even play the game in question....so....Tom has no reason, nor right to even be doing this interview, because he couldn't be bothered to play the game to begin with.
@tu2pac @Gurzociurlo wouldnt be impossible seeing how the Wii U will have the same graphical power of the 360 and PS3....plus the Wii U tablet could be used for hacking purposes to sell the gimmick.
People shouldn't even be comparing this game to Grand Theft Auto 5. The only thing This and GTA 5 have in common, is that its an open world sandbox game. other then that, they are two completely different games, with two completely different gameplay mechanics. Now if this game was about a hacker that happens to do the Mafia's bidding then you can compare the two.
Philly1UPer's comments