It just goes to show that nostalgic can play a big part in getting mediocre games made. Idk if the first two Shenmue just aren't really that good, or just incredibly outdated, but it seems like this is one series that maybe should not have been crafted almost entirely based on what fans remember loving over a decade ago.
Couldn't really have asked for a much better start to the show. I don't know why you feel the need to have everything explained to you and have the characters divulge all this info, but I think it's actually better for not doing it. Why would these characters explain any of this stuff? They live in this world. They know everything you're asking for already. There's little worse when it comes to TV/movie writing than to have everything explained, especially through dialogue, purely for the sake of divulging information to the audience when the characters would never actually do that. And this is coming from someone who's not even a big Star Wars fan. But I DO like the way this show is done. Gritty and edgier than the usual content. I really like that the main character is appropriately bad ass too. I really have no idea what the story is, but I can't say I care all that much right now either. There was enough in the first episode for me to become fully invested. Hopefully the season maintains the same kind of quality.
I'm quite enjoying the challenges Kojima has created. It makes traversing the environment interesting and even fun. I wasn't expecting travelling in it to be so involving.
@troopertrooper: They don't suck, they just require more from their viewer than a passing interest in what's happening on screen. If all you're into is the story and action of a film, then yeah, you're not going to have an appreciation for anything else. So an art house film is probably going to bore you. But that doesn't make them bad. They're still technically proficient, interesting, and even entertaining.
Similarly, this game may not be everyone's kind of game, but it's still a well made game that fulfills it's creators intentions. People liking it or not liking it does not reflect it's quality.
@Sepewrath: That's part of what makes the game so great though. This isn't a game focused on killing or fighting. It's a game focused on connection. Connection between characters, between character and environment, between man and nature. No, it isn't everyone's cup of tea, but it's a brilliant design. It forces the player to focus on the smallest of details. Walking is the primary function of the game and it's made significantly more interesting by the challenges presented in doing just that. Kojima had a goal which he could have failed in producing, but he didn't. He made the game he wanted to make. Whether people enjoy it or not is a different story.
And I haven't even finished Outer Worlds yet. Between that and this, I'll have my work cut out for me into Xmas. And then there's Star Wars coming out in about a week...
This seems like such a bizarre experience, but worthwhile at the same time. I never expected this to be straight forward like MGS. Looking forward to it, mostly because Kojima always creates a fulfilling experience. I'm glad he's done with Konami and can explore his own ideas freely.
Pierce_Sparrow's comments