What makes you think that?? It would take more than 10 years for the PSV to sell half as much as the PSP at that rate!
Lmao, okay, so you think the 3DS has sold 8 million world wide? Hate to burst your bubble, but that number is more like 22 million, it's sold 10 million in Japan alone already.
There are no killer apps coming for the Vita though, and no price cut on the horizon either. So how will Sony turn around the situation?
PSP never ever sold as bad as the Vita is doing right now and neither did the PS3. Both came off of the success of the PS2, both had big games being made for them. This is not the case with the Vita at all.
Are you kidding me? The actual sales of the Vita since it's launch up to now are around 3 million, that is absolutely disastrous and well below the original target of 10 million units Sony were forecasting for their fiscal year that ends March 31st.
The game hasn't even been given the green light yet, and with the Vita selling as bad as it is, Take Two are unlikely going to give the go ahead for this.
Nintendo have a lot of money in the bank, they will be around for a very long time no doubt. But if the Wii U is not a success, then they will be forced to rethink the way they run their business.
The Wii was criticized by the core gamer community, they chose PS3 and 360 over it but the Wii did extremely well with a completely new crowd, those who don't normally play video games. The Wii U however doesn't appeal to anyone accept the hardcore and the Nintendo fans. Most core gamers will skip it, while the none core gamers already have an original Wii and see no reason why they should pay a huge amount for 'another Wii' with a tablet controller.
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