@everson_rm: Let's be honest here, there was never any serious discussion about playing crossplay last gen. I watch gaming closely, and do not remember any of that happening from Sony's side. They've always resisted.
(no fanboy here, I've owned every system since the NES days)
I agree completely. Competition is a wonderful thing in the gaming space. In fact, it's the best thing ever for one company to be dominant one gen, and then another in the next gen. It's this sort of competition via humility that pushes all the console makers to do better, and to stick with giving us gamers what we want and need.
I say this as a proud owner of an Xbox One, PS4, and a Switch.
So... a lot of people, me included, want to give Nintendo money. And yet, here we are, without Virtual Console or whatever this is.
Why, Nintendo, why do you do this? Why not have an app (for smart phones and tablets) that is like the Virtual Console, and then Virtual Console on every console you produce? Why not give consumers so many options that it is virtually (see what i did there?) impossible NOT to be able to get your goods?
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