@n0matter: He's GenX, dude. If you're gonna slam somebody, at least be correct. Or you lose any credibility you might have thought you had in the first place.
I can see how editing can be difficult, especially when the edit is a tricky edit involving a word that already exists, and it's buried deep in the article.
I've played almost all of them from the beginning. London aka Syndicate was too soon, and tho I owned it, I took a break from the series only to come back with Black Flag to 100% completion of every island, every challenge. It was fantastic.
AC Odyssey brought back what was so genius about Black Flag, and I spent hundreds of hours playing it through all DLC's and ? discoveries.
Valhalla was.. different. I had to put that on on the shelf. Because it was too soon after playing ACO, and it was just too different. Too.. simple. I will come back to it in due time, and I have hopes I will enjoy it.
This new AC sounds even more.. different. You're losing me, Ubisoft. I may just go play Far Cry and give up on this franchise.
6.2 inches on the previous systems, 7 inches on this one.
Several mentions of this unit's 7" screen, but nary a mention of how that compares. Sloppy reporting. Like when an article states "second most blah blah blah ever", but never states who holds first.
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