Kool, kool. Would be really kewl if they put someone actually interested in gaming in charge for once. Compare what they would create to the shi... product we've got now. But all in all she's got the job, and i'll suck her toes so 10/10, would read again.
F*ck that lol, they should just replace the entire bulletin board with legit sex line numbers. Hell, throw a stripper in there for good measure. Give them something to really complain about.
Why do people put so much care into one person's value of a game. If you're interested in it rent / buy the game and ignore the review score. Don't get me wrong some reviews can be really decent but the score system these days is broken and in my opinion you'd be better off ignoring it all together.
Oh Microsoft, you so silly. Do you want thyself to bend over so you can more easily access my money hole? Would you tickle my chin and call me Sandra? 500$ you say... why didn't you say so earlier. Here, hold this for a second, it's my soul. You cheeky devils you.
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