As a goat that has mastered the art of human communication i too would like to see a fair representation of my animal brethren in video games. Far too many times we see the likes of snake, mario, freeman ruling the lime light in the video game world. All i'm asking for is $50,000 to roll about on a sheet of paper and call it a poster. Thanks for listening.
As long as it doesn't take away from the singleplayer and isn't an excuse to milk customers through dlc then i'm all for it. Could be quite interesting and fun to be honest.
Still calling bullshit on this. It would seem Microsoft are just shooting themselves in the foot if this is true. Then again people are idiots and will buy anything.
@Frenoir @PlusFour I don't really blame sony. I'm just using the age old excuse of blaming sony for my own personal faults. I never meant for any of this to happen but look, the day has come and the chips are beginning to fall all around us. First we have the Wii U and now this, where does it end? WHERE DOES IT END?!
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