@focuspuller @machine321434 @hella_epic @Fowsed For the love of god man! Do you know where you are?! You'll get in a lot of trouble for saying shit like that in these parts.
If for example a FPS game has a female lead, it doesn't change the fact that it's still a FPS. A genre that has been done to death over the years. Changing the gender doesn't change the gameplay one bit. The problem is that nothing new and original is being made today, the same trash is being made and developers are wondering why it's not selling. Like others have said made me a game with decent gameplay and a nice story and i'll play it regardless of playing a male/female, black/white etc. I don't care about that shit.
It's such a shame. Here in the comments you'd expect to see no one purchasing poor quality EA games like this. However the vast majority continue to fund EA's greed. It's never going to change if people continue to give them money for let's be honest, shit products. Unless something radical changes i can only see examples of this becoming worse and more common. Really sucks because sim city was such a fucking awesome game. Knockin' em down one at a time.
Well **** me. Oh yeah, **** me. **** me hard censorship. OH YEAH! I like it like that. Bend me over, i like it dirty. Oh Kratos, hi there. Wanna **** me? OH YEAH! Kratos stab me hard! Offended by this comment? Go **** yourself. On a slightly more relevant note this change is silly.
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