@digiMyth If they could? They can though that's the point. I'm sure companies want more female applicants but the thing is there aren't enough trying to get into the development industry. Of course the author can have a valid desire for the industry but at the end of the day Carolyn isn't involved in the development of said games.
Why don't more women work to get into the industry so that they can change this then? This has been a problem for years no? So i would assume that there is a great deal of women who want this to change so get your ass into the industry and work to change it. I'm currently studying game development and in a group of ~40 there's only one female in the lot of males and this sucks. See so many people complaining about sexism but the continue to do f**k all about it.
Also let's not forget companies want money and in this current age selling to a male audience is where the money is at at least regarding AAA games imo. I think if we're ever going to see this change we need more women playing the AAA games and more women working on these games in the first place. Reading this i know my post comes across and quite aggressive but this isn't my intention, just want to add my opinion. :P
Looks alright, little bit bigger (thank god.) I don't really understand the function of the touch screen... seems more like a gimmick rather than a tool to improve gaming.
Can't really see myself ever using kinect, especially considering my cramped room already. Of course this is all meaningless if they decide to block used games in which case they solve that problem, as i wouldn't purchase an xbox in the first place. :)
I'm guessing this is the last we'll see of Geralt which is sad, he's such a cool protagonist. However i'd love to see the world of witcher series expanded and the other zones explored, even the same zones explored from another viewpoint. It would be a shame to see the witcher universe go to waste. GO CDPR!
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