I know that feeling. The first thing I would say is that you have to recognize that just because you feel a certain way does not mean that this feeling is grounded in reality. People are hostile and will attack you just to boost their own egos, so take everything they say with a grain of salt, recognizing that they are doing a bad job of dealing with their own insecurities most of the time. Also, not everyone is good looking in the same way and sometimes it takes time to grow into a look that works for you, just please don't wear five shirts and pop your collar. Lastly, all of this is null and void if you truly are just a hideous person physically and I hope you can find peace and acceptance within yourself in regards to your appearance and still become a beneficial part of society.
Plzhelpmelearn's forum posts
Oh wait maybe I still am....Do sluts count?
My biggest pet peeve is when I am trying to convince someone I am right and then they go ahead and systematically destroy my arguments piece by piece. It doesn't usually change my mind but it makes clinging to my preexisting set of ideals a lot more uncomfortable, at least for a little while...
Yessa, now I feel as though I've gotten something from my clinical psych class, which is a rare occurance
Yeah, I combed through it just now. =P Cant recall seeing Scorch before.
[QUOTE="Jandurin"]where's yours =3BiancaDK
My what? Top? haha..
Are you hoping people forgot about your promise?Plzhelpmelearn
What, you telling me they haven't?
you sit on a throne of lies:evil:
So according to you logic because a tyrant will be much more capable and powerful than you, you should just give up your guns and submit to him immediately because you will most likely die if you don't? If the only basis for fighting a tyrant was a person's individual survival then no one would ever challenge a tyrant. If a tyrant ever took over america in my lifetime I would either join an armed, underground resistance against him or her, or if one was not available. try to fight on my own. Give me liberty or give me death to quote Patrick Henry. The best you could do without a gun is try and punch an armed guard and subsequently get arrested and who knows what they'll do to you. If the gov't has the right to own guns to protect its own interests, then so do private citizens to protect theirs.And it's not like giving the population a bunch of guns is actually going to deter a potential tyrant from going totalitarian on the U.S. - you can't possibly expect to put up a resistance against a mechanized force who can hit your house with a 500 pound bomb if all your rifles do against a fighter-bomber is fail to hit it. Unless you want to go to the extent of letting everyone own their own personal SAMs.
People that do not have access to deadly force to protect themselves, their property, and their rights are much easier to control....
To allow gays to serve in a lesser sort of second citizen form, while still appeasing people who are anti-gay by being able to say "We don't allow homosexuals in the military."
The US also isn't in a very nice crowd when it comes to banning homosexuals from serving. I think we share a party with countries like Iran and Saudi arabia.
Which is why I suggested the law protected gays more than anything else.
I like to think the people of the US are more tolerable than Iran or Saudi Arabia.
Suppose I could be wrong. But really, protect them from what?
I'd also like to point out that virtually every arguement against gays in the military is recycled from the days when blacks and women were not allowed in the military.
Quick question: Why do they separate male and female places of sleeping and bathing in the military?
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