If you are referring to "god" as a specific individual that is the founder of any number of certain world religions, then no I think that is as improbable as the easter bunny. If you are referring to god as some sort of creating force that laid the foundations of our known reality, then I think there are a lot of things less realistic.
do want to explain a little more about this change you see? i mean i think you agree with me that its completely unreasonable and crazy for someone to say something like the easter bunny could exist. but why is there this other category called the creator of the universe or something and you apply different rules. thanks for your reply btw most people haven't really replied to what i have said.Basically I am differentiating between specific man-made deities versus a general creator.
The creation of the universe to me is far less perplexing than the existence of life. However the existence of both, along with very specific rules and many other complex intricacies leads me to believe that there was most likely intelligence involved in it. The classic teleological or "watchmaker" argument is a perfect example. If you pick up a watch on the ground, it is fair to assume that the watch was made by a watch maker and not just spontaneously exist.
However, I am a former fundamental christian (pentecostal) and can say with confidence that any information received regarding any deity in regards to the world's major religions is basically taken on the trust of other individual humans. Whether it is Christianity, Judaism, Islam, etc...they all boil down to "This guy said this and I believe him" which to me is equivalent to belief in the easter bunny.
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