Sorry, but when I said "what EXACTLY would they need to show", what I mean is: what gameplay do you have to see to make you buy the next-gen? Or what kind of Graphics, because I did show that they can be Photorealistic. Or even what kind of Physics do you need to see?
Well, that's it. if you don't want to reply back, then that's okay. Bye.
(Sigh, again) Sorry for not replying sooner, but your reply just made me depressed. please reply back because I took the time to show you all those links.
You still haven't answered my question! What EXACTLY would they need to show?
Graphics: I've already showed you Luminous Engine and Fox Engine, what else do you need? They both showed near Photorealistic graphics. Why , Fox Engine even show a Photorealistic horse in a room!
So I want the next-gen NOW! Why? Because I also want something to work towards to for the PS5. Why? Because of people like you.
When I say "people like you.", I mean you can't seem to see the advances in technology, or the potential, and I have to show you something a 1,000 times better to get your attention.
So.... If I told you we need to move to the PS5, I would have to show you something 100,000 times better then the PS4. And I don't know how to do that! If I showed you one billion Photorealistic water particles, filling a sea, you wouldn't care, and just tell me the water particles in the PS4 is 'good enough'.
Or if I told you that a whole city can now be fill with real people who go to their jobs, eat, sleep, get sick, would you care?
Just like the PS4, the PS5 can make artists and programmers lives better, because you don't have to fake or 'bake' anything anymore. everything you see in the movie can be in real time. EVERYTHING!
But it all isn't enough, because you need to see something "more". Because you need.... (sigh) nevermind. You get what I'm saying, right?
"And I'm still waiting for the transitional game (not tech demo) that will show us what is necessary for gameplay yet impossible to do on today's console hardware"
That's what they are showing now! And it's only going to get better. the Luminous Engine (like the other Engines) can handle more then just a room. They are not going to say: 'geez, the Engine needs to run on a 2014 PC or else it's worthless!' You saw Luminous showing more then one room, so it can do a game level. BUT, they can't show a game right now, BECAUSE they cost $40,000,000 to make, and they are waiting for the PS4.
Crysis was the last true PC game, and that was back in 2008. So I can't really show you the "transitional game", because no one is making it! Everyone is waiting for the next-gen to show it! You didn't see any Vita games, until the handheld came out. Everyone is trying to make money on this generation, and won't show what they are making for the Next-gen.
I don't know if you saw this, but they can do a level with Physics right now:
And here's more on the Luminous Engine, please, please, please read it. The first link says that there's almost no differents between real-time VS pre-rendered:
Don't forget to click on the images to make them bigger.
I don't know if you saw this before, but here's a tech demo real-time ray tracing:
You see, ray tracing/path tracing is very, Very, Very, VERY slow. How slow? For me, on a 4 core PC, it took me 10 hours to render 1 image. Now they are doing it in real-time, which means, (take out calculator) it's about 2,160,000 times faster then my PC! What's my point? That both software & hardware is getting better all the time, but you won't really see all that on the PS3.
Annnd I going to show you some other real time vids, because I can:
and here some nice CGI for you to see, that may come for the PS5 if not the PS4:
(sigh) sorry for the confusing reply, where it just seems I'm jumping to topic to topic, but I wasn't in the mood to fully explain everything.
Sorry for bugging you, But I really want to understand what you mean by " but not NEXT-GEN better."
What is more needed for the Next Gen? what would they have to show you to say you need this next console?
And about The Witcher 2 and Battlefield 3 you do know that they were both designed for weak PCs and consoles first, right? The guys who made Battlefield 3 talk big about how this was made for the PC first, but they knew they couldn't ignore the consoles. Big money was to be made on consoles.
They keep to a Polygon Budget, so if they ever needed to, they can force it into the consoles. The Polygon Budget for human characters is about 10,000 to 40,000, no more. If we wanted to we can have characters with 200,000 Polygons but they don't do it, because the need to put it on consoles is there.
If we move to a new console, then the Polygon Budget goes up.
@Icepick_Trotter @conspirethis "Sorry for the lengthy post but I find this subject most interesting."
I enjoy reading long replys, it's the replying back part that bugs me. All I ask is you be the last one replying. ;)
"I get the feeling you forgot what it was to go from PS2 to PS3."
No, I remember. I even remember how it felt like to go from PS1 to the PS2. I thought it was impossible to get smooth polygons, like we did with PS2.
But I don't understand when you say "but not NEXT-GEN better." I don't even see why we moved from PS2 to PS3, because there wasn't any big changes. But we did it, and soon, we got Red Faction: Guerrilla, From Dust, Ghostbusters etc.etc.
On top of that, what more big changes do you need? With the Luminous Engine, we can have pre-rendered Graphics. And if we cut down on the Graphics, we can have lots of physics and AI. Just look at this:
And we are already so near to real-time Path Tracing:
You do know what path Tracing is? And how hard it is to do in real time?
(I wonder, is conspirethis is still reading this?)
And here is a funny thing, I'm very sure that Unreal Engine 4, Luminous Engine, and Fox Engine used this very same tech, that was made just ONE YEAR AGO:
Software is getting better, just like hardware, but there is only so much you can do with Software on an outdated console.
First, all the demos I showed were using PCs from 2008 to 2012. So yes, Current PCs are capable. Or at least most pcs are capable. This demo is from 2006:
And the new console are just going to have to be sold at a loss. Just like they did for PS3, PS2, and PS1.
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