Please look for "The Devil's Halibut - Used Games" on youtube, It's by TotalHalibut. It is about Used Games, and how very, very bad it is for all console Game-Makers. In fact, It changed my mind on the topic. Please see the whole thing before replying. Game-Makers are dying (like THQ) and Used Games are ***NOT*** helping at all!
I'm guessing you don't think used games are a problem then, right?
If so, can you look at a video called "The Devil's Halibut - Used Games" on youtube? It's by TotalHalibut. I would give you a link, but gamespot doesn't like video links. It changed my mind a bit on used games.
@OldSchoolPlaya @PodXCOM Well, wait for a demo or read a review, at least! If they don't want you to have a demo, it means they know it's bad. And keep in mind they said this game will not play anything like XCOM: Enemy Unknown.
The Bureau: XCOM Declassified is going to be a terrible game, like DNF and Aliens: Colonial Marines. This is their 3rd try re-doing the gameplay and 4th year working on it. How many games do you know that changed 3 times and became good?
I also heard that it's going to try to drum up some controversy to boost sales. I hate when people do that, just to find a way to sell their crappy games.
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