@NeoBillbine @PodXCOM I said "maybe even", NOT that "he did". I'm just pointing out that what ever was hidden in his PC was worse then what he got for it.
So thanks to the fact he smashed his computer and destroyed all the evidence, he now gets 1 year house arrest, instead of the 20 years he may deserve? That computer may have shown he did horrible things to people, maybe even killing someone, and only gets 1 year house arrest?
1. The first 3 games were all Turn-Based Strategy (UFO Defense, TFTD, Apocalypse.)
2. X-COM: Interceptor, the space shooter, was very unpopular with X-COM fans, and it only sold 30,000 copies. Same goes for X-COM Enforcer: no one liked it.
3. X-COM: Alliance was canceled.
So everytime they tryed to 'expand' X-COM, it sucked and only hurt the X-COM name. So that's why we don't want this game; it's just another Enforcer. It doesn't even want to be an X-COM game, or even try anything new.
Still, someone on top helped that abomination along, so I'm still blaming them.
As for Mafia and Darkness, they're 'meh' shooter to me.
But for Spec Ops, It has a great story, but all you did was kill, kill, kill without anything new to do. On top of that, I heard it had nothing to do with the old Spec Ops games.
And as for xcom: enemy unknown, as weird as this sounds, I just didn't like it. I think it was the small things; like having only 4 men, Et cetera.
They're the once who wanted to turn X-COM into a boring, linear shooter, and they are still throwing money at the abomination after 3 tries and 4 years. Why can't they throw money at something that needs it?
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