It seems like Gamespot never reviews one or two of the free games while there's always something about a Marvel movie on the front page. Is the Tennis game any good? I have to go to a different website to even find out.
@reznik00: Really all 3 consoles sold very well with the Wii at around 100 million and the other two at around 80 million. I've also never understood the argument that Nintendo isn't competing with the other companies. Of course they are! The 9 bucks I just spent on Trials Gold for my PS4 is money that is NOT going to Nintendo.
Pretty good month! I loved playing a game or two of NBA 2k back in the Dreamcast days although sadly the 2k20 game is probably too big to fit on my ps4.
Rise of the Tomb Raider was fun on Gamepass but I didn't get to finish it. Plus the PS4 version has some VR support.
I found out earlier today that Shantae 5 comes out in two days and that Rocksmith 2014 stopped producing DLC at the end of March...THANK YOU FOR THE MOVIE NEWS GAMESPOT!!! I SURELY WOULD HAVE NEVER HEARD OF THESE SEQUELS AND REMAKES WITHOUT YOU!!!
@psychomantisiii: Because there's an abundance of money at the moment? I'm not going to throw away 50 bucks because a free game decided it should be bigger than Red Dead Redemption 2 with the updates being 30gb each. Hard pass. The game isn't that great anyway.
@systemoverload: Maybe but there's no reason they can't launch with a must own title that would stay a must own title throughout the generation. Microsoft is surprisingly getting it with Halo Infinite as a launch title but it'd also be a good time to bring back a Rare title. It doesn't have to be super impressive but it'd be nice to see Sony bring back something like Twisted Metal, Motorstorm, Wipeout, Jumping Flash, etc etc...
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