@hollywood1: It's possible he's already played the other versions of the game. This game actually has a ton of replay value. It took me roughly 50 hours to complete the originals and that didn't even include the Vita tracks.
Nearly ten years later you guys finally get it right! I remember being shocked that the PS3 version on this site got a 7.5 and a demerit for being "too hard". HD and Fury were two of my favorite PS3 games and I can't wait to finally play the Vita tracks. This will likely be my game of the year.
Also, another MAJOR plus is split screen! Too many games lack that feature these days.
@Arkhalipso: Well on Amazon 9% of players gave it one or two stars so clearly it's more than 1%. I know plenty of people who like the game play but think the cut scenes nearly ruin it too. It's possible to tell a story without interrupting the gameplay every two minutes.
I literally fell asleep during the final hour and a half cutscene.
As much as people complain about the sequels I always felt like they had great action and had some pretty interesting ideas I haven't seen in a movie before. I can honestly say I was never bored during any of the movies.
A remake is a terrible idea but I wouldn't mind seeing a live action version of some of the Animatrix stories.
@frank_castle: I agree about MGS4. Most pretentious piece of media I've ever seen. I honestly don't understand how someone can sit through that garbage.
Gaming is the best it's ever been, excluding hardware failures of course. Anyone who is complaining about the state of gaming isn't looking hard enough.
PrimusTool's comments