@bmpynks: Agreed! Zelda 2 is a quality NES title and I still hope we get another game in that style someday. After Skyward Sword, the DS games, and perhaps even the CDi games if you want to count those Zelda 2 is amazing.
Metroid 2 really doesn't belong on this list, especially when Other M exists!. It was pretty amazing having a full Metroid game on the go and it had some of the best replay value for a portable game at the time. Surface of SR388 is still one of my favorite songs from any Metroid game.
I also perfer Zelda 2 and Bioshock 2 though I can understand why some people might not.
I might add GTA4 personally. It felt like the series kept getting better and better then we ended up back in NYC where everything looked the same and the game took itself a little too seriously for a GTA game. I spent over 150 hours on San Andreas while it seems like I mostly rushed through the campaign of GTA4 and was pretty much done with the game after 30 hours. It wasn't horrible but I miss the fun craziness of the PS2 games.
@jerusaelem: Calm down skipper. This is a gaming site like he said. Many of us came here to read about games! Not whatever Marvel movie is in the theater this month.
2nd he asked if there's another site that sticks strictly to games! I'd like to know too because the quality of Gamespot has been in the gutter for years but if there's a better alternative I'm not aware of it either.
Are you sure you aren't the one that's been huffing paint? I've never seen someone get upset over so little.
@jayskoon93: Agreed. Especially when they didn't bother to give Bloodstained: Curse of the Moon a proper review and score. It really makes me not want to visit this site anymore.
@hughesyboozy: You don't think there's a middle ground somewhere in between one hour and SEVENTY TWO hours? I'd think by hour 10 he could have figured out he wasn't enjoying the game very much. It's not going to suddenly get better after 50 more hours.
"Well I've found this game awful for the first 60 hours....better sink another 12 hours of my life into it just to make sure the people who read the comment section on gamespot know I didn't care for it."
There are times when the game looks awesome and is really fun and there are times when the game looks worse than PS3 and is convoluted. It could be much better than it is but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't having any fun with it.
Still, my internet was down today and I couldn't play it because of the stupid always online requirement. How in the world is that not listed under the bad bullet points?!?! I'd be pretty mad if I spent money on this game but thankfully it was a gift.
*Edit aaandd it's down again two weeks later. I'm completely locked out from all content. So glad Gamespot is posting a million Marvel articles instead of giving us basic information on games.
PrimusTool's comments