@Gomtor nope nothing like Aliens, from the gameplay and trailers I can tell it will rock the boat, Aliens was rushed as hell and there was problems between Sega, Gearbox and TimeGate studios. There is no problem with the developer of Metro Last Light which is A4games the only thing that happend is that THQ the original publisher went off and so Deep Silver took over.
@TheOnlyConan yup the graphics of Metro 2033 are still heavy on some graphics cards and also if you are into PC gaming and modding check out STALKER Complete mode 2009, your brain = blown away XD its really that awesome
@commando1992 its okay waiting till may is actually the best thing to do with so many great games to play like Crysis3, BioShock Infinite, Tomb Raider and and and also am one of the few to actually looking forward to Resident Evil 6 PC :]
@Takeno456 yes it had a touch of STALKER and felt very dark and atmospheric definitely one of the more memorable and epic FPS campaigns I played in a long time, Crysis 1 and FEAR have also great single player campaigns :] and CoD4 and MW2 as well as far as I am concerned I really liked them.
AH deep silver also published STALKER Clear Sky I think so this is perfectly fitting :] Now lets just hope STALKER 2 will make it as well and then we have some epic post apocalyptic FPS games once again to play :D
@mattress805 loved the first game and looking forward for this on the PC as well also STALKER series comes close to Metro and even surpasses it in some details other than that Metro and STALKER both rock da PC house
@evil-zodiark @Printul_Noptii yup its dumbed down by a good bit maybe because it was made by Ninja Theory a british based studio and remember almost all japanese made H&S games are harder because japan likes their H&S games hard xD anyway Ninja Gaiden (except NG3 that one was cakewalk) should have its own scale for being hardcore and so should have DMC3 which is the hardest DMC by a long shot but to its core DmC is still Devil May Cry even if its dumbed down wheras MGR doesnt connect as much to the old MGS games and thats what people will always point out.
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