Psmol200's forum posts
sorry, i forgot to state..
I can only base my opinion on the games i have.
Fight Night Rd 3
I dont have, Is motorstorm as good as everyone says.. ??
My 360 recently died (no surprises there) and Im thinking of getting a PS3 as most games are multiplat and the PS3 will probably last longer than 18 months. So, what are the top 5 PS3 games out right now. They dont have to be the highest rated but the top five in your opinion. Thanks.Big_Bad_Sad
LOL my friends 360 took a dump too..
Anyways on to the topic.
1.Resistance Fall of Man
2. Oblivion
3.MLB:the Show
4. F.E.A.R ( i enjoyed it, having never played 360 or pc)
5. Splinter Cell: Double Agent ( again having never played splint cell series, i enjoyed it as a stealth game)
haha, Gears doesnt particularly excite me, but it would be funny to rub in the faces of M$ fanboys.liamabob
Gears doesnt Excite me either, from the people i have talked to about GeOW they tell me the campaign is short, way too short, and the only thing they use it for is Online play, but i guess thats why everyone thinks HALO is King. (not too much into Halo either)
Dont get me wrong i enjoy online play, but i enjoy a game with a well thought out realistic campaign even more than online play.
We know why we bought one, no need to justify ourselves.deadkingdg
Exactly.. I cant even put into words really what looking at that Link did to enhance how i felt about my purchase.
I knew i did the right thing when i bought it, but WOW ITS NICE TO BE ON THIS SIDE of the FENCE!!!
This is really getting annoying.... Everytime when it get closer to the release date, it gets push back. Enough is enough. Thomas-Crown
Im sure about a week before its to release, they will Push it back Again... Unbelievable...........
Im just gonna go ahead and prepare myself for a 08 launch LMAO.. hey it could happen with UBISOFT!!!
If anyone cares, Rainbow Six got pushed back to 6-19-07, ANOTHER WEEK PUSHBACK...WHAT ELSE IS NEW
Well thats at least what EB says...went from 6-12-07 to 6-19-07
This is getting very very old, im starting to Wonder why i pre-ordered this game
Ubisoft may never release this game LOL Wow
- PS3 with $399 price tag. How? By doing the following things:
- Stripping it down to the bare bones. No need for giant hard drive, include a 1GB one instead and have compatibility w/ external USBs and hard drives for more memory.
- Finding cheaper manufacturers for Blu Ray for the skeleton version. This may mean lower quality, but not as low as the Wii and near 360 quality. For premium graphics get the 20 or 60 gig ones.
- Delete MP3 playback and storage. Who honestly needs it? Most play their MP3s off their PCs/Macs or their iPods. Have a compatibility w/ MP3 players for playback in-game.
- Make the cases out of cheaper material. No gloss and semi-shiny plastic instead of expensive metal.
- Remove the slot loading drive and replace it w/ an option to put the disc directly on top, like the PS2 Slimline.
- Have fewer USB ports and card readers.
For other pointers to sell, it should:
- Have more exclusive and better games, both 1st and 3rd party.
- Introduce the greatest hits section for abot $30-35 a game.
- Introduce some budget games for gamers tight on cash but want a new game.
- Have a better ad campaign. The laughing baby was creepy and made no sense.
- Appeal to a wider audience, like little kids, middle aged people and people in between. How? Follow the Wii strategy. Release Crash Bandicoot and Spyro games. Make a new kid friendly franchise. Make a new party game franchise (Xbox has Fuzion Frenzy and the Wii has...Mario Party (it sucks, but sells)).
- Cheaper controllers and accessories.
LAME, Either pay the price or move on, stop whining about it in threads(posted to look like constructive crit)
Im pretty sure the only people who start these are people who DONT OWN ONE, and see the MAGIC,
I found an article that says that Metal Gear Solid 4 will not be a PS3 exclusive anymore. This better not be true.
Check this out!!!
These threads are getting old, why do i keep opening them, thinking its going to be something different.........
wow...i cant wait till this gonna be sooooo broke...justin_06
My thoughts exactly.
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