Discovery Channel and National Geographic are the only TV channels I watch. I see alot of commercials for the Wii... too many actually. They've been showing the same commercials for almost a month now.
Ninendo obviously tries to market the Wii for adults, there is no doubt about it. However, I have yet to see anyone I know buy one. The system doesn't appeal to adults.
Most adults don't even play games, and if they do, they play Civilization, Age of Empires, Total Rome, EvE Online. Thats the sort of games that appeal to adult gamers.
While the 360 and PS3 appeal more to students and/or teenagers.
It's sad, but you sheep will still worship the ground they walk on no matter what. The bottom line is that the Wii is not made for the 18-34 male demographic, it's for everyone else. Wake up sheepies.Haziqonfire
The Wii can cater to many ages -- its 'sad' people fail to realize this.
No it means that consumers won't blindly let the commercials persuade them. Its not the commercials that determine wheter the product is catered to adults, but its the selection of games availlable. Currently pretty much all consoles are marketed mostly towards teenagers and the student demographic. The Wii, wich is a more family friendly product, is also bought by kids and parents who behave childishly aka soccer moms.
There isn't a single console currently that specializes on one very specific target audience. Absolutely none. All 3 products try to attract to different publics.
If you're going to decide your purchase based on commercials, you will be misleaded.
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