Ugh, June. Another gf change. This one's name is Jes. She's great, here's hoping she stays that way. As far as games go I got Windows back on my comp so I'm back playing my Star Wars games (Jedi Academy, Pod Racer, Empire at War, KotOR). I do plan to upgrade the video card soon, though. Anyway, I've purchased Rock Band and Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising. Rock Band is fun, OF: DR, not so much. If I have enough left over from the video card I'm going to look into getting (and/or reserving) some of the following: Neverwinter Nights 1&2, Street Fighter IV, Star Wars: The Old Republic, StarCraft II, and/or some of the books for the Star Wars table top game. I'd like to co-DM that game with somebody so that I could play from time to time. Anyway, the job hunt continues to be fruitless. That's all for this month.
PyreofKoL Blog
May '10
by PyreofKoL on Comments
May has been eventful. My birthday was on the 7th, thus marking my 24th year of existence. :) As far as games go, my Gamerscore's been rocketing, and I also bought Lego Star Wars: TCS. It's been an absolute blast. I keep forgetting how addicting those games are, and how huge their replay value is. I also can't wait to get Red Dead Redemption and Lego Harry Potter. In other news, I'll be heading to camp for a week (hence why this blog is a little early) so I'll see you guys then. :)
April '10
by PyreofKoL on Comments
I haven't purchased anything game related this month, but I've gotten a ton of achievements from the games I currently have. I'm rapidly approaching my goal of 20k Gamerscore for this year. I'm planning on picking up Magic the Gathering: Duels of the Planeswalkers and maybe a few other games. AutoZone is still giving me the runaround, but I'm trying to stick with it. In other news, my Buffalo Sabres got knocked out of the playoffs by the worst thugs in hockey. I suppose all I can do is look to next year. That's all for now.
March '10
by PyreofKoL on Comments
Ok, I got a bunch of stuff game wise this month. I got Phantasy Star Universe and it's expansion, Ambition of the Illuminous, Halo 3: ODST, and FFXIII. I also picked up the Apprentice outfit and black lightsaber for my avatar. I've also got an awesome new hockey stick on order, and I can't wait for that to come! The job is going well, I've got an interview with AutoZone coming up, so wish me luck there. Finally, I uploaded my first video, so feel free to view and comment!
February '10
by PyreofKoL on Comments
This has been an interesting month. I've got a new gf named Simone, who's great. She doesn't live nearly as far away as my ex, which is nice. As far as new games go, I got BioShock 2 (which is fantastic) and the Point Lookout and Broken Steel DLCs for Fallout 3. Oh, and I reserved a copy of Halo: Reach. That game looks like it's going be awesome! My younger brother also got a PS3 and currently has Little Big Planet, MGS 4 and the original Uncharted. The only one I've played is LBP and that was a lot of fun. The other two don't interest too much. Anyway, the job hunt is still pitching a shutout against me. Hopefully I'll find something soon, though.
January '10
by PyreofKoL on Comments
So, apparently, my little brother decided to trade in half my games (some of which I'm not done with yet) to buy purchase a PS2. Much as I enjoyed having a PS2 I was in no hurry to get another. I traded the other one I had for store credit towards CoD4 some time ago. Anyway, I'm a little irritated to say the least. In better news I have a new gf and have a couple of different job options in front of me, so wish me luck. I'm not even sure if he got a new game for the PS2 so...I can't say if I got any new games this month .
December '09
by PyreofKoL on Comments
Merry Christmas, all! Oddly enough I didn't get anything game related this year, but I did get a much needed pair of slippers, some hockey cards, a gift card to Barnes & Noble (Dark Tower II and III here I come) and $50 of general spending money. Right now I plan on using it to buy 3 months of Gold, a pair of headphones, and if I have enough, to purchase a special item in an online game. :) To all my GameSpot buddies, have a wonderful Christmas and a happy New Year! :D
November '09
by PyreofKoL on Comments
Happy Thanksgiving all! My Xbox360 has returned and I got Gold with it so feel free to hit me up for a game of something if you catch me online. This Thanksgiving was great once again: loving family, fantastic food and getting to play my Xbox. I love this time of the year :)
October '09 (late)
by PyreofKoL on Comments
*sigh* Alas, my Xbox360 has once again red ringed and been sent in for repairs. At least it was only one red section. In other news I'll be getting Modern Warfare 2 and Left 4 Dead 2. My Xbox also happened to die in the middle of my first attempt at a play through of CoD 4 in Veteran mode. It was going ok, believe it or not. I'm also thinking about trading in my DS, but that will definitely wait til the 360 gets back. I think I've finally adjusted to being single again, and the job hunt is still depressingly fruitless.
September '09
by PyreofKoL on Comments
Well, oddly enough, I go no new games this month. Are three games I'd really like to get right now, though: Guild Wars: Nightfall, Halo 3: ODST and Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days. I've gotten a chance to play the latter two and they're both fantastic. I really like how ODST encourages co-op play and the new KH game is also a lot of fun. I want Nightfall because I'm working on a PvP tank build Elementalist/Mesmer in Factions and I need Nightfall to get two of the skills I'll need. Also, I got all the achievements on Sonic's Ultimate Genesis Collection! That was a lot fun for me because it was a trip down memory lane. :) Well, the job hunt seems to be coming to end, so wish me luck.
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